11 Homemade Tricks To Fix Your Spoiled Makeup

We will teach you some great tricks to fix your spoiled makeup. Without a doubt, when the makeup brand and tone are ideal, it could be very difficult to accept and get rid of them when an accident occurs or they get old. Read on and find out how to remedy that!

Fix your spoiled makeup with 11 homemade tricks

Combining a little science and imagination you can reuse those products that suffered some kind of damage, such as breakage or hydration.  It is recommended that, if you want to continue using your damaged makeup, you fix it since if it is not in proper condition it could be harmful to the skin.

1. Recover spoiled makeup powder

There are different ways to fix broken makeup.

If the makeup powder fell off and broke into several pieces, don’t think you can’t use it anymore. Simply rehydrate it with alcohol to integrate it. Wait for it to evaporate and that’s it, you recover all the powder without damaging its color, its elasticity and its structure.


  • The makeup you want to fix.
  • Alcohol for wounds.


  • First, crush all the powder inside the bowl.
  • Then add three drops of rubbing alcohol.
  • Unify the mix.
  • Finally, let it rest for 12 hours.

2. Broken lipstick

To reshape and join the broken lipstick, you just have to change the temperature of the same. When softened with heat, the material becomes more malleable and unifies. When it cools, it is like new again. In addition, the color remains perfect and the texture is not damaged either.


  • The broken lipstick.
  • A lighter.


  • First, heat both parts of the broken lipstick with a lighter.
  • Then join them together and press to make them stick together.
  • Then reheat with the lighter.
  • Finally, with one finger, smooth and shape the edges.

3. Spoiled makeup, wear it to the end

Most concealers, liquid makeup, highlighters, and eye contours come in plastic containers. They almost always  end up throwing away packages that still have content. With this simple trick you can take advantage of them a little more.


  • Scissors.
  • Spatula.


  • First, cut the base of the plastic container with scissors.
  • Then, help yourself with a spatula to remove the material.

4. Dry nail polish

fix spoiled makeup

Nail polish dries from the air that usually enters the bottle when it is left uncapped for some reason. Or it goes a long time without being used and its components dry out. It is always advisable to shake it well before use.


  • Acetone or nail polish remover
  • The nail polish you want to repair.


  • First, put two drops of acetone or nail polish remover in the jar.
  • Then shake vigorously.

5. The eyeliner has dried

Sometimes it happens that the eyeliner does not paint well or does not slide in the desired way. If you apply a little heat, without burning it, the product will look renewed. You will see how it returns to slide and paint as it did when it was new.


  • Lighter.
  • The eyeliner that you are going to repair.


  • First, c heat the pencil for about 5 seconds with a lighter. 
  • Finally, let it cool and use.

6. Mascara for dry eyelashes

Eyeliners can be fixed with a few simple tricks.

Masks for eyelashes tend to dry out over time or form clumps inside. This is easily solved by submerging it in hot water for a few seconds. If this one doesn’t work, follow this cool trick.


  • Eye drops.
  • Your dry mascara.


  • First, add two drops of eye drops into the bottle.
  • Finally, close and shake well.

7. Foundation too light

It is common to miss the color of the makeup base when we buy it. If the problem is that it is too light, we have a super practical and simple solution for you to use.


  • A light base and a darker base.
  • A makeup brush.


  • First, put some light foundation on the back of your hand.
  • Then add a bit of a darker one.
  • Mix with the brush and apply it on your face.

8. Too dark foundation

Just as the base may be lighter than desired, it is also common for it to be the opposite. That is to say,  buy a darker base than desired, this is easily solved!


  • Body moisturizer.
  • Your dark makeup base.


  • Put some of the dark foundation in your hand or in a small container.
  • Add moisturizer.
  • Blend until desired shade is achieved.

9. Dry eyeliner

If your favorite eyeliner no longer leaves the desired color and shape around the eyes, you can fix it simply and quickly with this trick to fix spoiled makeup.


  • Salt water or saline solution.
  • The dry eyeliner.


  • Simply put 3 drops of saline solution on the tip of the eyeliner.

10. Eyeshadow that has dried

If the shadow is dry and it no longer paints as before, with this trick you will recover it completely. It does not change anything at all, neither the texture nor the color.


  • 2 drops of salted water or saline solution.
  • The dry eyeshadow.


  • Put saline solution (two drops) on the shadow.
  • Then spread to soften all the shade.

11. Lipstick broken into several pieces

Many times it happens that  the lipstick falls to the ground and breaks into several small pieces. You don’t need to get rid of them, follow these steps and you can get them back.


  • A small container to hold the broken pieces of lipstick.


  • Put all the pieces in a container.
  • Put them in the microwave for 10 seconds.
  • Finally, put 1 hour in the refrigerator.

You no longer have to get rid of spoiled makeup. You just have to follow the previous recommendations to be able to use them again as the first day. It will surprise you!

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