2 Ways To Use Brewer’s Yeast To Combat Hair Loss

Fighting hair loss is the most common hair desire   among the world’s population.

This occurs when there is a weakening in the hair follicles, little oxygenation of the hair and a deficiency in certain essential nutrients.

Most people who want to combat hair loss are aesthetically affected. Therefore, they look for different alternatives to stimulate their natural growth.

Fortunately, today there are many treatments designed to combat hair loss and also to improve the condition of the scalp.

Commercial products are one of the alternatives that exist to deal with such a problem.

  • However, not all of them offer good results.
  • Sometimes they can be very expensive and out of our pocket.

For this reason, today we wanted to share with you a series of treatments based on a very powerful natural ingredient.

  • Due to its nutritional composition, it can help combat hair loss in an economical and safe way.

    What is that natural ingredient?

    This is brewer’s yeast,  a fermented ingredient made from the decomposing gluten found in barley.

    • Since ancient times, this food supplement has been part of different recipes as a special touch.
    • It is used in the preparation of cakes, biscuits and also for other recipes with flour.

    But, for some years now, it has also  earned a very special place as a beauty treatment, since its high nutritional value makes it ideal for treating the skin, hair and nails.

    Why use brewer’s yeast to combat hair loss?


    The use of this ferment in hair health is becoming quite popular because it is used to treat all types of hair regardless of whether they are dry, oily or also normal.

    Among its compounds, it concentrates important amounts of vitamins, minerals and also proteins.

    • These, when applied or consumed, help to strengthen hair follicles and hair, to stop hair loss and support its growth.

    The main nutrients in brewer’s yeast for hair health include:

    • Vitamin B.
    • Folic acid.
    • Riboflavin.
    • Nacina.
    • Thiamine
    • Pyroxine
    • Calcium.
    • Copper.
    • Chrome.
    • Iron.

    All these active ingredients of this ingredient will give your hair back the vitality, shine and strength it needs to grow without problem.

    Would you like to know how? Do not miss the following treatments.

    Brewer’s yeast mask

    10 homemade tips to enhance hair growth

    The high content of vitamin B, proteins and also essential amino acids in yeast make this natural treatment a perfect ally to deal with hair loss.

    • Such a supply of nutrients intervenes in cell growth and also stimulates the production of keratin, a fibrous protein that plays an essential role in the health of the entire mane.


    • 5 tablespoons of flaked brewer’s yeast (100 g).
    • ½ tablespoon of olive oil (12.5 g).
    • Mineral water

    What should you do?

    • Prepare a mixture of yeast and oil, and add a little water to it until it forms a thick dough.
    • Apply the treatment on dry hair and cover it with plastic wrap so that it works for at least one hour.
    • To finish, rinse as usual and let it air dry.

    Green smoothie with brewer’s yeast against hair loss

    The properties of this natural ingredient can also be taken advantage of internally, especially when combined with other healthy foods.

    In this green smoothie, yeast is mixed with the virtues of avocado and spinach,  which are two sources of protein and also healthy essential fats.


    • 1 bunch of spinach.
    • An avocado
    • 1 tablet of brewer’s yeast.
    • 1 tablespoon of spirulina (7 g).
    • Bee or cane honey.


    2 ways to use brewer's yeast to combat hair loss

    • Chop the spinach leaves.
    • Remove the seed and the skin from the avocado.
    • Cut the avocado into small cubes.
    • Chop up the brewer’s yeast tablet.

    2 ways to use brewer's yeast to combat hair loss

    • Put everything in the blender.
    • Add the tablespoon of spirulina.
    • Beat it all up.
    • Once served, add the drizzle of honey or cane honey.

    The consumption of this natural green juice should preferably be done on an empty stomach, to make the most of its properties.

    • It should be taken at least 3 times a week to get good results.

    After knowing the properties of this ingredient, do not miss out on including it in your hair masks. The health of your hair will thank you.

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