3 Curious And Original Tips To Drive Away Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes can become a great nuisance. In addition, they pose a risk due to the many diseases that they can transmit to us. As we already know, there are people more prone to their bites than others. Therefore, it is necessary to repel mosquitoes.

In this article we suggest some curious tips to avoid bites naturally. They are such amazing solutions, yet simple. Continue reading.

Do repellants really keep mosquitoes away?

Repellants really repel mosquitoes

Conventional mosquito repellants include ingredients such as DEET insecticide or permethrin as the main components. Before its use we find different problems:

  • Some studies affirm that these components can be harmful to health, since they affect the nervous system.
  • There are some people who continue to suffer from mosquito bites despite using these types of repellants.
  • Conventional repellants appear to be less and less effective, as mosquitoes could be developing an immunity to them.

In this article we propose natural, simple and effective alternatives to repel mosquitoes. In this way,  prevent  bites without any risk to health.

1. Essential oils

Essential oils are always an excellent way to prevent all kinds of health problems in a natural, pleasant and safe way. In this case we have selected these three oils that ward off mosquitoes:

  • Javanese citronella.
  • Geranium.
  • Blue eucalyptus.

How do we use them?

  • We will mix the essential oils with some vegetable oil (almond, coconut, jojoba) or with our usual moisturizer, and then apply them on the skin.
  • In an aromatic diffuser, if we want to prevent mosquitoes in a specific place.
  • We can also make a spray to spray often. In it we will combine the oils with water. We must shake it well before each use so that they mix. We will have to repeat the application as the smell disappears.

We must always use pure and certified essential oils. We do not recommend the use of synthetic essences without therapeutic properties.

2. Calendula plants to repel mosquitoes

Calendula plants to ward off mosquitoes

If we want to prevent mosquitoes from approaching a room, garden or office, we only have to put marigold plants around it. This showy orange-colored flower, with many health properties, also stands out for acting as a repellent against mosquitoes.

We will place the plants in the windows or in the form of a wall to prevent mosquitoes from approaching. As a curiosity, there are calendula-based remedies (creams, gels, tinctures) that help soothe the irritation caused by bites.

3. Choose light clothes

It is evident that the more we cover our skin, the more we will avoid bites. However, we know that mosquitoes can pass through most tissues. However, what is not so well known is that the color of the clothes also plays a role.

In this way, dark colors attract mosquitoes. This is because they trap carbon dioxide from the body, while clear and matting repel mosquitoes.

With these simple tips you can effectively drive away mosquitoes. This way you will avoid the annoying bites and marks on your skin. In addition to being simple, they are inexpensive and natural. Go ahead and try them!

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