3 Tips To Relax Someone With Anxiety

How to relax someone with anxiety? The first thing you should be clear about is that, in these cases, certain words or reactions can further intensify the problem. It is not worth telling him to calm down. It does not serve either to convince her that what she fears or distresses her is not real.

The person with anxiety cannot reason in such moments clearly and objectively. When the most intense emotions grip the body and mind, it is not possible to solve that paralyzing suffering quickly.

They need time, specialized help and what they demand the most from the people around them is support, closeness and good work. Here are three strategies that can help you in this type of situation.

Previous keys before relaxing someone with anxiety

When it comes to helping someone with anxiety, you must be clear about a series of previous aspects. The first is that this psychological condition can have different origins and manifest itself in multiple ways. For example, there are people with generalized anxiety disorder, with phobias, panic disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorders, with post-traumatic stress disorders …

woman representing how to help someone with anxiety

Thus, you need to assume that anxiety is a difficult psychological condition for those who suffer from it; so it must be treated by specialized professionals. However, it is also important that the people around you remember a series of details:

  • Apply an attitude of understanding, understanding, availability and assistance.
  • Avoid trivializing the problem. Anxiety does not pass, it does not fade; anxiety is managed and managed. Moreover, from the University of California, doctors Alexander Bystritsky and Sahib S. Khalsa explain in a study that this condition is one of the most prevalent in the population.
  • You should not fall on the same emotional level as the person with anxiety. That is, avoid “catching” their emotions.
  • The help has to be clear and objective. It is not worth making promises that you do not keep later.
  • Nor is it advisable to project high expectations. In this way, try to avoid phrases such as “you will solve this problem right away, this will happen to you with drug treatment, you’ll see.”

3 tips to relax someone with anxiety

Anyone at some point can be in this same situation. When someone is gripped by anguish, irrational fears or a panic attack, sometimes it is not easy to know how to act, how to be useful.

Here are three strategies to help someone with anxiety that might help. Of course, remember to contact a specialist to treat the problem.

I’m with you, breathe

One of the most common situations experienced by the person with this psychological condition is anxiety attacks. Therefore, when you are faced with someone who is experiencing this trance at a given moment, do the following:

  • Tell him that you are by his side, that you are not going to leave and that nothing bad is going to happen.
  • The idea is simple: get the attention of the person with anxiety to focus on you.
  • You will lead her to a quiet place and then encourage her to control her breathing. To do this, invite her to imitate you: slow, deep and regular breaths.

The last step will be to accompany her to a medical center. It is important to verify that this anxiety attack is not related to any disease, such as heart disease (heart disease) or another associated condition.

Cognitive-behavioral approach: rationalizing thoughts

In the event that someone close to you suffers from moderate anxiety, it is recommended that you encourage them to apply some of the strategies used in cognitive-behavioral therapy. This approach, as stated in the Clinical Practice Guide provided by the Ministry of Health, is appropriate every time someone gets carried away by excessive concern.

Woman with negative thought symbolizing how representing how to help someone with anxiety

Therefore, what you will do is encourage him to expose every fear, anguish or concern. Thus, before each idea, you should endeavor to answer the following:

  • Faced with that concern … What’s the worst that can happen?
  • And the best thing that could happen?
  • What is the most realistic or likely to happen?

Expert help and new habits to get someone with anxiety to relax

To help the person with anxiety effectively you must convince him to contact a specialized professional. Psychological therapy is, in these cases, the best answer. In this way, you will not only better understand the origin of this condition, but you will also equip yourself with valuable strategies to cope with it.

Likewise, it is ideal that you be that helping hand capable of guiding him in the beginning of the healthiest habits:

  • The Mindfulness is a practice proper to fight anxiety.
  • Breathing techniques are quick and effective resources in these cases.
  • Sports are also a useful cathartic mechanism for reducing the impact of anxiety.

Last but not least, remember a key aspect: when it comes to helping someone with anxiety, you don’t have to take responsibility for every step, every behavior. You will be that accessible, present, affective figure that offers understanding and motivation. The obligation to handle and overcome these situations depends only on that family member, friend or partner.

Apply these techniques with the support of a specialist

When anxiety appears at specific moments, try to take into account these techniques to help that person so dear to you to fight it. Loneliness is not an option when facing this state.

Also, if you see that the person goes into a loop, it is important to go to a specialist to solve the root problem. He will know what steps to take and will be able to offer the proper techniques to handle the situation in the best possible way.

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