3 Ways To Create A Productive Work From Home

The reasons for undertaking productive work from home are always very personal. Perhaps it is due to the lack of opportunities in the labor market or the need to adapt the work to current circumstances. Whatever the case, it never hurts to learn some ideas, tips and strategies to achieve a productive and healthy work from home.

Today, working from home can be related to the artisan production of objects, utensils, clothing, or any other type of product. Or it may be related to specific services (such as giving private classes, advice, among others) through various platforms and applications. The services offered and online businesses are increasingly diverse, thanks (once again) to technology and globalization.

Advantages and disadvantages of working at home

Girl stretching in front of laptop.

Making the decision to generate income from home is an interesting responsibility and  a challenge that is not without its pros and cons.

Some have already decided to start a project from home. There are also those who see it as a wish. In any case, evaluating advantages and disadvantages can help you foresee problems and enjoy solutions.


  • Traffic and smog are avoided  .
  • There is a saving in terms of transportation, food, etc.
  • Greater autonomy. This can even help you manage time and be more productive.
  • You can increase productivity by reducing multitasking .
  • Reduces stress in some aspects of the day to day.
  • Schedules can be more flexible, which can help you better balance work time and personal time. It can also help you spend more time with your family and take care of personal needs.


  • It tends to overwork.
  • Sedentary lifestyle can become more present and difficult to combat.
  • Not everyone will understand and respect the type of work that is done, and they may even see it as something easy and that practically “nothing” is done and that they are on vacation most of the time.
  • If there are other people at home, it can be difficult for them to respect that you are working during the set hours.
  • Interruptions and distractions can be more constant.
  • You do not always have the ideal environment in terms of furniture, lighting, etc.
  • It is common for self-demand and stress to increase.
  • Some contact with the outside world is lost.

Finding a healthy and productive work style for each person

So that the disadvantages do not outweigh the advantages, the first thing is to find the perfect work style. First, you have to define whether you want to offer your own brand or product, or look for a company that offers work from home.

On the other hand, the type of work can be virtual, artisanal or it can be a service. Each person will know what you have to offer. This is a list of all kinds of options for working from home, so it is impossible not to find one or more options to start tomorrow.

“Working from home or teleworking is a modality that can be both comfortable and productive, if we know how to take advantage of it”

–Marta Bermejo, psychologist–

3 proposals for a productive and healthy work from home

Computer use is one of the causes of dry eye.

Remote work

Known as remote jobs those performed for third parties through online communication.  Through a bank account or payment platforms such as Paypal. This type of work does not imply that there are no contracts and employment benefits, although the latter is not the most frequent.

If freelance work is precarious, which is what happens most frequently , there will be no medical insurance, no paid vacations, or salaries according to what is established in the agreements. However, it may be a temporary lure for the unemployment crisis.

Own entrepreneurship

This challenge is greater, but, without a doubt, it can give many more benefits. M ost times with perfect products and adequate publicity, can not compete with large companies.

These companies not only own what they sell, they are also the ones who produce the raw material they need for their products and have all the tax discounts offered by the States in their favor.

Therefore, the own business must be original. You need to know exactly what you are innovating and who you are targeting. Being clear about the kind of product or service and its irresistible point of interest, joining the market will be friendlier.

Teleworking needs a defined place in the home.

Third party services

For those who can offer classes, courses, care, without the need for a physical space, this option is more than viable. Many teachers decide to take a break from the institutional environment and dedicate themselves to giving private lessons.

Among other occupations, caring for children at home is also usually a viable resource, as long as the conditions of safety and hygiene are in place.

Even in crisis situations, you have to work even from home. On the other hand, leaving the traditional work circuit, generating a productive and healthy job and being the bosses themselves, can be a more than pleasant lifestyle.

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