4 Vitamins To Strengthen Your Immune System

To strengthen the immune system it is very important that we include in our diet foods that provide us with different nutrients. Vitamins are essential for good health

If you’ve been through a period of a lot of flu and virus-related health problems, your body may very well need vitamins to boost your immune system. For this reason, today we will talk about the 4 main vitamins that will help you have iron health.

Sometimes, it is not that we are exposed to possible infections because everyone around us has a virus. Most of the time the problem lies in our defenses and in the state of our immune system.

Vitamins to boost your immune system

Today you will discover 4 vitamins to strengthen your immune system that you should not only take when you are sick, but before you are . In this way, you will help your body to be strong and with the defenses prepared to avoid possible contagion of diseases.

1. Vitamin A

This vitamin is essential to strengthen your immune system. We can find it in vegetables such as carrots, spinach, broccoli or cabbage. .

Also in dairy products such as milk or butter. And, of course, in fruits such as melon, apricot or mango.

Foods rich in vitamin A to strengthen the immune system

  • What does vitamin A do? Vitamin A participates in the creation of white blood cells found in the blood and help the body fight against infections . This is assured by this research from Guilin Medical University (China).
  • This is very important if we are exposed to any virus. Our body will prevent it or, in case of contagion, will eradicate it quickly.

2. Vitamin B

The second of the vitamins to strengthen your immune system is vitamin B. This We can find it in fruits such as avocado (avocado) , in dairy products such as yogurt or milk, in vegetables such as asparagus and in meat and fish.

  • The importance of vitamin B is that a deficiency in any of its group, for example B12 or B9, causes a decrease in antibodies . In fact, according to this study by the Taichung Veterans General Hospital (China), it has been shown that an increase in vitamin B6 could increase the immune response of critically ill patients.
  • Its lack leaves us exposed to a large number of infections and will reduce the chances of quickly overcoming them.

3. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is perhaps one of the ones we have the most in mind.  It is often part of the advertising that orange juices have in supermarkets .

We can also find it in fruits and vegetables such as:

  • The lemon.
  • The Kiwi.
  • Strawberries.
  • The black currant.
  • The guava.
  • Parsley.
  • The red pepper.

Foods rich in vitamin C to strengthen the immune system

What does vitamin C do? The role of this vitamin is to increase the production of interferon.  

This protein that helps protect the cells of the body from any viral infection that has infected them.  Therefore, this vitamin is essential to prevent and have a resistant immune system.

4. Vitamin E

This is the fourth and last of the vitamins to boost your immune system.  You can find it in dried fruits such as walnuts, almonds or peanuts .

Also, it’s in sunflower seeds, spinach, and broccoli. If we use oils for cooking or for salads, sunflower, wheat germ or soy are the best.

  • Vitamin E helps the immune system thanks to its antioxidant properties .
  • A lack of this vitamin causes our immune system to be exposed to viruses and infections, as suggested by this study by the Higher Institute of Medical Sciences of Havana. And also that it is more likely that we get infected.

The importance of vitamins for our health

We tend to underestimate the importance of vitamins for our health . That is why, many times, we always eat the same thing, without paying attention to the variety, without including more fruits and vegetables . This causes our immune system to weaken.

Surely we have ever realized that there are people who hardly get the flu. Or, if they do, it happens very few times a year. This is because they have a very strong and resistant immune system.

They are not deficient in any vitamin and their diet is very rich in all the foods already mentioned.  Do you already take these vitamins to boost your immune system?

We encourage you, from now on, to incorporate into your diet foods that include vitamins of group A, B, C and E. In this way you will begin to notice how you are less prone to contracting infections.   You will find, in time, that you become much less ill.

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