5 Benefits You Get When You Stop Wearing Heels

Heels are one of the types of footwear most used by women. Its shapes, colors and different sizes allow the figure to stand out and reflect an important part of the personality. In addition, they are aesthetically attractive complements in many outfits.

However, after long-term or continuous use, there are certain unpleasant health side effects. For this reason, it is important to take them into account, before the aesthetic. As much as a pair of heels looks beautiful, if they are going to cause pain for one or even several days, they are not worth wearing. Or at least, not for long.

While it is not bad to wear them from time to time, it is best to avoid them most of the time so as not to run the risk of developing discomfort in the back, legs and other parts of the body.

Benefits of stopping wearing heels

As we know that, despite all this, many continue to use them daily, this time we want to reveal the 5 benefits that you will get after stopping using them.

1. You avoid back pain

Girl stretching in front of laptop.

The use of heels tilts the pelvis and makes the buttocks look much better. The problem is that this increases the pressure in the lower spine and the muscles that compose it.

In particular cases this leads to a condition called spondylolisthesis. This is the sliding of one vertebra over another, causing nerve damage and severe pain.

Once you remove your heels, your spine returns to its starting position. As a result, pain and tension are relieved almost instantly, so the less you wear high-top shoes, the more you reduce the risk of uncomfortable back pain.

2. No more Achilles heel

When the feet are raised with the heel, the pressure on the heel increases. This is how the condition known as Achilles’ heel develops. In people with plantar fasciitis, inflammation occurs in the thick band that connects the heel to the toes, exacerbating existing pain.

After removing this shoe and replacing it with a more comfortable one, the tendon will stop causing discomfort and will regain its normal length. All pain in the lower extremities will disappear. This is because the muscle is released from excess tension.

3. Runner’s knee disappears

Runner’s knee is the term used by many healthcare professionals to refer to conditions that affect this part of the body. It is a type of injury that stems from the overload that runners have. However, it can also be caused by other activities that involve constant bending.

With heels, the center of gravity shifts forward. This increases the stress on the tendons and ligaments of the knees. This not only causes intense pain, but also causes inflammation and mobility difficulties.

Although there are several factors that can cause this problem, it is worth bearing in mind that heels are among those responsible.

4. Improves balance

Woman doing chair pose in yoga class.

No matter how much experience you have with the use of this type of shoe, there is a high probability of suffering a fall or injury. The excess force produced between the muscles that surround the ankle increases its instability. Therefore, the balance is lowered.

Walking in flat shoes, however, improves the state of this muscle group. In addition, it allows them to function as they were designed. This promotes stability and is less likely to have recurrent pain and falls.

5. Avoid varicose veins

Although there is a lack of scientific evidence to show the relationship between the use of heels and the appearance of varicose veins, some experts agree that they do cause circulation difficulties.

The use of this footwear, especially the one known as “lace” or “stiletto heel”, increases the pressure on the legs and hinders the blood flow.

As the blood is not transported in the correct way, in the medium and long term those small spider veins and varicose veins are produced that usually represent a problem. By choosing flatter and more comfortable shoes, blood mobility returns to its normal state and reduces this risk.

Take advantage of the benefits of not wearing heels

In conclusion, although the high-heeled shoe is a very elegant accessory and appropriate for many occasions, it is best to reduce its use as much as possible so as not to take unnecessary risks.

We are sure that you can find other healthier alternatives to show off your styles every day. Think about your health!

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