5 Changes To Enjoy Better Cardiovascular Health

Cardiovascular health is key to enjoying an adequate quality of life. To better understand this, visualize for a moment the circulatory system as a sophisticated internal highway, made up of infinite veins and arteries. Oxygen, nutrients and other elements that make life possible are transported on these very special highways.

If something fails or an obstruction occurs that prevents proper circulation, your health is at risk. 

One of the most common problems that can occur on these internal “highways” is peripheral vascular disease. Although varicose veins – or simply varicose veins – are a very common disorder too, which can also be avoided with good lifestyle habits.

If you don’t have varicose veins, but you have a history of cardiovascular problems, then you should start taking care of yourself. How about you start with these 5 changes that we propose below?

Stay active

Exercises for hip bursitis

How many hours do you sit? Sometimes, for work reasons, we are more than obliged to remain “attached” to the chairs. However, beyond working hours, a whole world of possibilities opens up where you can set your heart in motion.

Genetic predisposition added to sedentary lifestyle, obesity, poor diet and smoking are the main factors that predispose to the appearance of varicose veins.

However, the good news is that we can prevent them or slow progress if we work hard. If we become aware that, sometimes, small changes generate a better quality of life. Take note of these simple suggestions.

Start and end the day with cold showers on the calves

We are sure that you do too: start and end the day with a shower. At this time, we also have a good opportunity to optimize circulation in the leg area.

  • Apply a stream of warm water (between 36 or 38 ÂșC) on the legs for five or six seconds.
  • Later, apply cold water for another six seconds.
  • Change legs and always finish with that little session of fresh water to revitalize the correct circulation in this area.

Drink tomato juice

Tomato juice

Although scientific evidence is limited, it is believed that tomato juice may help you enjoy better cardiovascular health. In addition to being high in lycopene, the seeds are considered to have anticoagulant properties and therefore help improve blood flow.

According to a study published in 2012, ” tomatoes contain the four main carotenoids : alpha and beta carotene, lutein and lycopene” which means that each of them can provide individual benefits, but also jointly by interacting between they.

For this reason, many people decide to incorporate a glass of tomato juice into their diet, at any time of the day. They often comment that it is important that the juice is natural and fresh.

Apply cold aloe vera

According to popular wisdom, applying aloe vera gel to the legs can contribute to cardiovascular health. This is because it provides relief, by helping to deflate the legs and mitigate pain and the feeling of heaviness.

To take advantage of it, here is a recipe.


  • 15 g of aloe vera pulp (1 tablespoon)
  • 250 ml of water (1 glass)


  • You will only have to heat that glass of water and, once it reaches a boil, add the aloe vera.
  • Mix well and put it in a glass container and put it in the freezer for a few hours.
  • Before it solidifies, take out the gel and with clean hands, apply it to your legs. 

Take care of your posture and put your legs up

Women with legs up

If you know that you are at risk of varicose veins and other cardiovascular problems, it is recommended that you try to maintain an active lifestyle and avoid sedentary lifestyle at all costs.

If you work seated it is convenient to use a footrest. Also, stretch every so often and walk around where you are. In short: always take care of your postural hygiene. 

On the other hand, you can put a cushion under your legs while you sleep. It is enough that the legs are raised about 15 centimeters – approximately – with respect to the head.

Eat healthy and get enough fiber

Just as maintaining an active lifestyle is essential for good health, so is eating a balanced diet. Eating well will make it easier for the body to function properly, and that has benefits for cardiovascular health.

A diet rich in fiber, fruits, vegetables, and grains is essential to maintain cardiovascular health. In contrast, scrap metal, ultra-processed foodstuffs and many industrial products only increase the risk of disease.

It is also very important to avoid excessive consumption of salt, since it is closely related to discomfort such as fluid retention.

Take care of your cardiovascular health

Maintaining good lifestyle habits is very beneficial in many ways. But in the case of cardiovascular health, it is crucial. Therefore, always try to take care of yourself and, periodically, go to the doctor for a check-up.

Checkups are important because they can help you properly detect and treat any problems you may have. So, do not let them pass and remember that in case of doubts, you can always go to your doctor. 

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