5 Mistakes You Make When Cleaning Your Face And They Age Your Skin

If you don’t usually clean your face when you get up or go to bed, you are making a big mistake. We will tell you everything you need to know about it in the next article.

Taking care of your skin is a simple task that can guarantee a youthful appearance for many years. However, you may not pay adequate attention to the act of cleaning your face. Have you thought about it?

Many people routinely forget to remove makeup or wash their face to remove impurities. In the long run, this can affect the health and good condition of the area.

Next, we will explain the most common mistakes you make with your face that add years to your skin. Perhaps now you understand why the first little wrinkles or spots have appeared without an obvious reason for you. 

Let’s go deeper.

1. You don’t bother to clean your face

Woman with a clean face

The most basic mistake is to skip the cleaning process. You may think that it is not a big problem to go to bed as you get home.  After all, you will take a shower the next morning and there you will remove the waste.

The problem is that sleeping like this causes makeup, pollution and dirt that accumulate on the face to dirty the skin.  This facilitates the appearance of acne, according to the Mayo Clinic. 

The recommendation is that every 10 hours, approximately, cleanse the skin of your face. This more or less could translate to once in the morning and once in the evening.  You don’t have to complicate things, just wash your face well with water and neutral soap. .

In case you prefer something more hydrating, try this lotion. It is done simply, quickly and with natural ingredients:


  • ½ cup of chamomile infusion (125 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons of cucumber water (30 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel  (30 g)

What should you do?

  • Combine all ingredients and store in a spray bottle.
  • When you go to clean your face, apply enough amount  and clean with circular movements with the help of a cotton ball.
  • Finish by rinsing with some cool water and go to sleep. 

2. You never apply a scrub

We said earlier that the most common mistake is not removing makeup, but that’s just the first step.  The scrub has the function of eliminating toxins and dirt that accumulate in the deep layers of the skin.

Ideally, you should use an exfoliator designed for your skin type. In this way you will be able to clean and treat the most common problems.

  • On sensitive skin you should apply exfoliants that are soft and add hydration .
  • If your skin is oily, it will be necessary to use exfoliants that control the problem without dehydrating.

It is advisable to apply the scrub once a week . However, it is advisable to consult your dermatologist first, in case there are any problems or contraindications in your particular case.

3. You wash your face only once a day

Even if you washed your face and removed your makeup the night before, you should do it again every morning. Keep in mind that while you sleep, skin regenerates and, in the same way, it can get dirty from contact with the pillow or sheets.

In case your skin is very oily or you have gone to the gym, you should also wash your face to remove accumulated waste If your skin is very dry, apply a little moisturizer after washing your face to avoid aggravating the problem.

4. You change products very fast

If you’re frustrated that none of the products you use to cleanse your face seem to help you look better, you might make this mistake.  Unfortunately, we tend to despair to the minimum and want to look perfect in a matter of minutes.

However, both commercial and homemade products require multiple applications to show results.  The minimum time you should wait to see changes is four weeks. Also, you have to consider the fact that you have to be consistent.

If you apply a cleansing gel that promises to clean your pores well  and a week you change it, you may never see the effect. Let your skin adjust to the ingredients and really take advantage of them.

5. You use too many products at the same time

Woman wiping her face

What is your routine beauty ? You may think that cleaning your face with various products improves the effect, but it is the opposite. You must choose a single product for each need.

When you use multiple products for the same purpose, you can irritate the skin.  If you have any questions, it is best to first consult with your dermatologist and have them recommend an option that suits your needs.

Pamper the skin of your face: it says a lot about you

Although skin aging is a process that cannot be reversed, you can make it look healthy and beautiful over the years. For this, it is very important to be consistent in your cleaning routine.

In the same way, do not forget that it is essential to drink a lot of water, eat a healthy and balanced diet and avoid harmful habits, such as the consumption of alcohol and tobacco.

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