5 Ways To Restore Your Spoiled Makeup

One of the things that causes us the most anger is that the makeup we use every day, or even worse, our favorite, breaks into a thousand pieces. But all is not lost , you do not have to get rid of it or go buy a new one, below we will tell you what you can do to restore your makeup.

With a few small steps you can restore your damaged makeup. Learn the best tricks so that the next time your blush or eyeshadow falls to the ground, you can fix it without complications.

Homemade makeup organizers.

How to restore your broken makeup?

We want to share with you different tricks and different techniques, always depending on the type of makeup. So if you are interested in restoring your powder makeup or even a lipstick, be sure to read these lines.

Powder makeup

Perhaps it is the makeup that breaks the most, as it is one of the most fragile that we usually have in our drawer. A small bump or fall will cause it to break into a thousand pieces.

  • First of all, if this happens, don’t throw it away, pick up the bits you can with the help of a sheet of paper.
  • Afterward, mash it with a knife or turn it into a powder.
  • Then, if the container has not been broken, add the powder again and drop a few drops of alcohol. Alcohol must be for medical use, to treat wounds.
  • Then mix it all together until you get a thick mixture.
  • With the help of a spoon or your fingers, squeeze the mixture and leave it as uniform as possible. 
  • On the other hand, if you see that it is necessary, add more drops of alcohol. It is not an exact science.
  • Lastly, let it dry for 24 hours. Over time you will have your compact powders as new.

In case you do not have alcohol, we suggest another repair with petroleum jelly:

  • First, grind and grind the powders you collected.
  • Next, add petroleum jelly and mix well. 
  • Then, when you get a homogeneous product, let it cool in the fridge for 4 hours or until you see it compact.

This last technique will prevent that if it falls again, it will break so easily.


It is possible to fix spoiled lipsticks.

Lipsticks are sensitive and delicate products that cannot withstand high temperatures, since sudden changes can cause them to break in two. But in case this happens, follow these simple steps:

  • First, put the two halves in the freezer. The loose part on one side and the rest with the case.
  • Then let them sit quietly for at least 20 minutes.
  • Then, take them out carefully once the time has passed and bring the flame of a lighter to the broken part to be able to melt it and easily stick it to its base.
  • Take your time, do not be in a hurry, since the ideal is that they are as alienated as possible.
  • Once the two parts are together, make sure it can be properly closed inside the case. Then put the bar back in the freezer.
  • Ideally, it should be between 10 and 12 hours in there so that the two parts seal perfectly.
  • Finally, take it out and it will be ready to use in an hour.


Eyeliners can be fixed with a few simple tricks.

The mascara is one of the elements that we use the most when we put on makeup. Well, with a simple gesture, it allows you to increase the size of the eye, making our eyes look more beautiful.

If it is in contact with air for a long time , this product tends to dry out or harden. If this happens to you and so that you can continue using it normally, follow the following tips:

  • First of all, it closes the pot really well.
  • Next, heat water and immerse it in it. 
  • Let it work for at least two minutes.
  • Finally, collect the product and dry it carefully.

Another of the tricks that we advise you and that is just as valid consists of:

  • First, open the bottle and add a few drops of argan, almond or extra virgin olive oil. 
  • Then, close it and shake vigorously to mix everything very well.
  • Finally, open it again and take the test. It will be ready to use!

Nail polish

Nail polishes tend to spoil over time.

Who does not have at home an old collection of nail polishes that can no longer be used because they have been drying out?  Follow these tricks so that you can use them again as in the beginning. 

  • You can simply  add a few drops of acetone.
  • This will make the paint greasy again and ready to use.

If what happens to you is that the cap and thread have dried, we advise you to  always clean the stained surface with the help of a cotton ball and a little acetone.

It will ensure that the next time you want to use it, you will not have problems opening it.

Eye pencil

Makeup is easily damaged.

Lastly, we want you to know the final trick to fixing your eyeliner. Pencils are difficult to split and the tip is easily removed with a pencil sharpener.

However, it is common that sometimes they stop painting and marking as we wish. If this is your case, do not hesitate to carry out the following process:

  • First, apply a little heat to soften the tip but not melt it. You can help yourself with the dryer or with the fire of a candle or lighter.
  • Then, once it’s hot, blow to warm it up and …
  • Ready to use!

As you can see, these are some basic and practical tips to give a new life and restore your broken makeup. Put everything you have learned into practice and contact us if you have any questions.

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