5 Ways To Take Care Of Your Face After A Facelift

As with surgical interventions, the facelift requires a period of recovery and rest after the intervention, as well as some care to get the best results. Which are?

The lifting facial is a surgical procedure with the qu e dead skin is stretched and excess dirt and toxins are removed. This treatment provides a more youthful appearance, with less wrinkles and more firmness.

However, the final result will also depend on the care you give to your skin after the treatment. For that reason, after a facelift it is necessary to maintain attentive and disciplined care.

In case you are planning to perform a facelift , also called a rhytidectomy, you should consult a doctor, the only one indicated to carry out the treatment. Yes, and a you underwent this procedure, be sure to observe the following cares. 

1. Keep calm

After a facelift , it is strictly necessary to avoid any situation that may upset or stress you, as well as  it is important not to make any kind of effort.

Because it is a beauty treatment, we sometimes think we can get back to activities of daily life quickly. However, the recovery process requires at least three weeks of rest, in which you must follow the doctor’s instructions to the letter.

Relaxed woman meditating on her bed.

2. Sleep on your back after the lift

This is perhaps one of the most difficult requirements to meet after a facelift , since many people tend to constantly change their posture when sleeping. Keep your head upright whenever possible, as explained in a Mayo Clinic article on the subject.

Thus, you will be able to maintain correct circulation and you will allow your skin to adapt to new changes. To achieve this, a good idea is  Placing pillows on the sides of your face to force your head not to move too much.

3. Apply ice to the area

After a facelift , it is usual and completely normal to notice inflammation . How long it takes to fade will largely depend on the aftercare you give your face.

Ice the area is one of the most effective ways to reduce swelling. In fact, this is one of the recommendations provided by professionals in the publication cited in the previous point.

To improve and accelerate the results, you must do it repeatedly and in a disciplined way. Ice is said to have better effect u within hours after performing the procedure; however, check with the professional in charge of the procedure to be sure.

Another benefit of applying ice is the reduction of the feeling of tightness, one of the most noticeable and uncomfortable symptoms after a facelift . In addition to reducing inflammation, applying ice to the area will prevent bruising .

4. Wear an orthopedic bandage

Many times, in cosmetic operations, people oppose or neglect the use of the recommended bandage and necessary for recovery. This is a very important mistake, because u Wearing the bandage after a facelift is essential for recovery.

As detailed in a MedlinePlus publication, the bandages help to keep the skin stretched and prevent it from coming into contact with external agents.  Remember to ask your doctor or nurse to show you how to apply and remove the bandage correctly.

5. Do not expose yourself to the sun immediately

Sun protection is essential.

Sun exposure can be a disaster if done right after a faceliftThe main problem is that, after this intervention, the skin is more exposed to blemishes and the scars can be deeper .

In addition, we cannot forget that the sun highlights the visible symptoms of aging. Therefore, the two sources cited above agree on the recommendation not to  expose yourself to the sun directly, at least for the first months after treatment.

Other recommendations for after lifting 

During the first week, professionals usually recommend these cares:

  • Change bandages constantly, as directed by your doctor.
  • Take care of the drainage tubes.
  • Put cold compresses on the eyes to relax them.
  • Avoid wetting the bandages.

In the following weeks, these measures are routinely suggested:

  • Stay hydrated.
  • Do not use makeup until the wounds have healed. Generally, you have to wait about a week to put on makeup. 
  • Clean and moisturize the face daily.
  • Do not consume alcoholic beverages.
  • Do not perform facial gymnastics, or any other type of physical exercise.

Don’t be careless after a facelift

By following these basic guidelines and your doctor’s instructions, you can be assured of a successful healing process. This will translate into the results you want so much without negative consequences such as infections, nerve damage, bruising or noticeable scars.

Always remember that, as we said before, effective recovery and optimal results depend on the care you give to your face after the facelift . If you notice any symptoms that you do not consider normal, do not hesitate to consult with the professional.

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