6 Curiosities Of The Male Brain

Far from the simplistic conception that easy jokes generate, the male brain is lucid and fascinating.  This is something that years of advances in genetics, electrophysiology, neuroimaging techniques and chemical tracing have undoubtedly corroborated.

In this sense, we must begin by emphasizing the fact that the exclusively masculine reality is generated, in the first place, from their brain structures and their hormonal biology.

We know this today thanks to a wide range of neuroscience research that shows how the complexity of The hormonal phases of the man’s brain create a masculine reality that is essentially different from that of the woman.

Likewise, we must pay attention to how, from the very conception, the male brain is given a chromosomal difference (XY for men, XX for women) that will determine its vital development.

We must attend to the exploratory eagerness of the male baby;

to the child’s “ I have to move or I will die” brain  ;

to the brain of the sleep-deprived adolescent who, bored, seeks risks;

to the brain of a father with his children;

to the brain that seeks territoriality and hierarchy, as well as the emotional male brain in search of solutions.

Thus, in general, we know that the male and female brain achieve the same ends and carry out the same tasks through different circuits. Let’s review some curiosities of the male brain according to its stage:

1. What determines that a child is a boy during fetal development

Originally, all brains are female. It is from the eighth week after conception that testosterone masculinizes the brain and completes its de- feminization with the collaboration of the SIM or anti-Müllerian hormone.

That is why it is correct to say that the development and masculinization of the sexual impulse circuits, exploratory behavior and the most abrupt muscular movements takes place from the mother’s womb .

2. Increased interest in male brain competition

During childhood, the production of the hormone SIM continues, although testosterone levels are low from the first year to eleven.

Likewise, these hormonal levels cause children to show a greater interest in victory, in movement, in pursuit of objects and in playing exploring the environment with other children.

3. Testosterone levels multiply in adolescence

It’s no secret that teenage testosterone wreaks havoc on the sexual behavior of the male brain. Thus, at this point, the visual sexual attraction circuits focus on the erogenous zones and sharp curves.

Likewise, the male brain perceives male faces as hostile, changes its olfactory perception of pheromones and even its sleep cycles. This generates a greater interest in masturbation, the male hierarchy and the challenge to authority.

4. The mature man and love: in search of synchrony

Contrary to the prejudices that we commonly accept, the man falls in love just as intensely as the woman. There are no differences in love connection!

Although from an evolutionary perspective, the mature and single man gives preference to sex and protection, the social and individual reality of each person is totally different and incapable of being simplified.

Naked woman and man.  male brain

However, at this age and according to the vital circumstances of each one, the priority for both men and women is usually professional development, concentration on work and obtaining money.

5. A dad’s brain and attunement to his baby

The male brain also changes during the gestation of the child in the womb. Prolactin rises and testosterone falls, causing, for example, the auditory circuits to sharpen to hear the baby’s cry, creating a heartwarming parent-baby synchrony.

There may even be the case of an empathic pregnancy (the so-called Couvade syndrome ), in which the man manifests typical symptoms of female pregnancy while the woman is pregnant.

6. Old age and andropause

Due to the gradual decrease in testosterone (at 85 the level is less than half that at 20) , and because the estrogen / testosterone ratio increases, the interest in maintaining health, taking care of the Family and maintaining an inheritance is paramount.

Likewise, it is the point of closest approach to women, since oxytocin gives them the possibility of being more receptive to affections and feelings.

This is something that, for its part, is also favored by the reduction in aggressiveness due to the lower levels of testosterone.

Our understanding of essential generic differences is crucial, but biology does not explain everything. Although the differentiation of the male brain and its behavior begins organically, this is only the beginning.

Our brains are plastic and changeable and each human brain is a learning machine that, for better or worse, quickly understands what behaviors society expects of them.

Thanks to scientific advances, we can learn more about the brain differentiation between men and women, as well as the influence that biology has on their lives.  Let’s use this information to promote understanding between us  and adequately interpret the complexity that always accompanies us.

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