6 Factors That May Be Affecting Your Memory

The deterioration in concentration and memory is something that can happen to all of us. Anxiety, depression, and not getting enough sleep can contribute to the onset of this condition. Going to a doctor is essential.

Losing your memory is one of the great fears of any person. And it is that, not only age can make the ability to retain memories and data deteriorate. Did you know that there are factors that may be affecting your memory?

In this sense, we speak from seemingly unimportant situations, such as going to a room and forgetting the reason, to more serious problems such as senile dementia.  The good news is that the The brain is an organ that is constantly dynamic, so it can adapt to the necessary changes.

This time we will talk about some factors that may be affecting your memory and about practical tips to reverse the process.  Clever? Pay attention and don’t go blank.

1. Thyroid problems

Although the thyroid does not have a specific function in your brain, it is one of the factors that may be affecting your memory.  Both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can impair memory and concentration.

If you have already detected other symptoms and suspect that the thyroid is not working as it should, it is important that you visit your endocrinologist as soon as possible.  As soon as you take control of the problem, you will notice an improvement in your memory and concentration.

2. Menopause

We already know that insomnia is a common problem at this stage.  Lack of sleep affects the ability to concentrate, as the brain can’t get enough rest. All that accumulated fatigue influences memory and the performance of daily activities.

The good news is that once you get your hot flashes and insomnia under control, or get past this stage, everything is back to normal.  Remember that a good alternative is to take a relaxing infusion that facilitates sleep.

3. Lack of sleep

How many hours do you sleep a day? The minimum required to get a good rest is 6 hours and the ideal is 8 hours. Now, there are people who have had a lesser sleep routine all their lives and believe that it does not cause problems for them.

However, As the years go by and you get older, the brain requires a better quality of sleep to restart and absorb everything experienced in the day . If you do not give him the necessary hours of sleep, you will begin to notice loss in the capacity of learning, memory and changes in behavior.

If your work or daily activities keep you from getting 6 to 8 hours of sleep each night, try to take a nap or two throughout the day. This will prevent you from feeling fatigued and having memory problems.

4. Anxiety and depression

The elevated level of the stress hormone, cortisol, is another factor that may be affecting your memory. The problem with cortisol is that it breaks the synapse and the brain cells lose connection with each other.

This makes it more difficult to learn, study or remember anything. It is recommended that you learn techniques to control anxiety or depression.   In case the problem is very serious, it is important that you take concrete measures such as going to a psychologist or psychiatrist.

Many people feel that this is a negative decision, but it is the opposite. A professional will help you not only improve your memory, but also your quality of life.

Another important aspect is that once you have the indicated treatment, you take the medications as indicated by the doctor. Otherwise, you could have relapses in both mood and memory problems.

5. The consumption of medicines

Some medications

In the previous point we mentioned that it is important that you take the medications that your doctor indicates. However, it is possible that some treatments may be affecting your memory, but you cannot leave them.

In this specific case we refer to Xanax, Valium and Ativan. Part of the job of these drugs is to alter the way certain parts of the brain work. . For this reason, they can cause problems converting short-term memories into long-term memories.

Other drugs with the same effect are:

  • Antidepressants
  • Beta-blockers.
  • Pain medications.
  • Medicines against incontinence.
  • Sleeping pills.
  • Antihistamines.

If you are noticing trouble remembering or you think this could be happening to you, talk to your doctor to consider changing the dose or medications.

6. You smoke

When you smoke , the amount of air that the blood carries to your brain is reduced. It is common to find that people who have smoked for many years have faster brain deterioration than non-smokers.

Also, tobacco It affects the brain’s ability to process and store information such as new knowledge or short- and long-term memories.

Don’t overlook the factors that may be affecting your memory

It is a fact that any situation or element outside the routine normal and healthy can affect brain power. In some cases, we just can’t help it, but you can always take steps to lower the risks, are you doing it?

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