6 Food Combinations With Great Health Benefits

Did you know that there are foods that combined with others can enhance their properties and benefits much more? To get the most out of its nutrients, try to consume them together

One of the most common mistakes when starting a healthy diet is adding more carbohydrates and other foods that we should actually cut down on.  However, there are certain combinations of foods that are an injection of benefits  for our body, so you should not neglect them.

Indeed, by combining foods correctly you can take better advantage of the nutrients they provide us. Some even help our body absorb them efficiently, since many foods need certain vitamins and minerals in order to perform better in our body.

But what are these great food combinations? Keep reading and you will know them.

1. Tomatoes and avocados

The first combination of foods takes advantage of lycopene to promote health. This nutrient is best absorbed by the intestines when combined with a healthy fat source like avocado.

  • Lycopene is a pigment-rich antioxidant, also known as a carotenoid.
  • This combination can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer.
  • To reap the benefits of these effects, it is important to include a healthy fat source along with foods rich in lycopene.

In this way we obtain the maximum benefits of antioxidants. Also, the avocado and tomato combination is delicious.

2. Beet and chickpea

This is one of those food combinations that you probably weren’t expecting. Chickpeas are rich in B vitamins, and beets are an excellent source of magnesium. And l Vitamin B6 helps the body absorb magnesium. Indeed, s According to one study, this potent combination of nutrients may help the body cope with the symptoms of autism.

In this study, those given doses of magnesium and vitamin B6 improved social interaction and communication. However, his behavioral problems returned when the doses were stopped.  

3. Green tea and lemon

green tea and lemon

This combination has become very common today. However, not everyone knows what are the benefits of combining these foods.

Catechins are antioxidants found in green tea and possess anticancer properties. Furthermore, c When they are combined with something acidic, their absorption capacity increases.

So the next time you have a cup of Green Tea Make sure to add a little lemon juice to it. This trick also works to improve the taste of the tea and make it much fresher.

  • So that this food combination doesn’t seem boring, use it as a base for your morning smoothies.
  • Pair it with a green leafy vegetable and seasonal fruit.

4. Broccoli and tomato

Again we find the tomato. Indeed, it is a food that combines with almost everything. What’s more,  The carotenoids in tomatoes help increase the bioactive components in broccoli . These, in turn, are the ones that produce the most cancer-preventive benefits.

  • A good option to consume this combination is in salads .
  • You can add some type of lean protein like chicken or cheese, a vegetable or two, and a dressing.

This will be more than enough to create a balanced and nutritious salad.

5. Lemon and kale or kalelemon and kale

lemon and kale

In this case, iron from plants is much easier to absorb when combined with vitamin C.  Therefore, it is always recommended to make smoothies with green vegetables and the citrus of your choice.

Vitamin C converts iron obtained from vegetables into a form that is similar to the iron found in meat and fish . Thus, l The powerful lemon and kale fusion will  ensure that you absorb all the iron present in the cabbage.

Other sources of vitamin C could be:

  • Oranges
  • Strawberries
  • Red peppers
  • Broccoli
  • Tomatoes

Among the foods rich in iron are:

  • Leeks
  • Beets
  • Spinach
  • Mustard leaves
  • Chard

6. Oatmeal and peanut butter

It is another great combination to start the day with a delicious breakfast. Indeed, l oatmeal is a source of complex carbohydrates and peanut butter is rich in healthy fats . Thus, e This option is ideal if you are looking for food combinations that give you a good dose of energy.

Nor can we forget that, in addition, it can help control blood sugar levels.

Two options to include this combination are:

  • In the form of a smoothie, with soy milk or cow’s milk. It is a perfect alternative if you are going to run from home and you only have 5 minutes to prepare something.
  • Cooking oatmeal sweetened with peanut butter. Forget about sugar or any kind of sweetener.

    The peanut butter will give a very creamy consistency to the typical breakfast of a lifetime.

    Do you dare to try any of these combinations?

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