6 Values ​​of A Happy Family

Love, respect, empathy, honesty, autonomy and forgiveness are the fundamental values ​​that every family needs to know happiness.

In today’s globalized world, where technology and social networks set trends, education in values ​​has not gone out of style. Quite the opposite. The values ​​of a happy family are still the best way to build a better world.

Values ​​are what mediate peaceful coexistence. Or so it should be. Educating children with the values ​​of a happy family can be the guarantee that the future needs to be less plagued by violence, fear and uncertainty.

What are the values ​​of a happy family?

The values ​​of a happy family are the agreements or norms that guide the coexistence, peace and unity of the members of a family, which ultimately is the path to happiness and fulfillment, both personal and family.

1. The values ​​of a happy family: love

To begin with, the basis for harmonious coexistence, the sustenance that feeds the coexistence of other values, the reason why people come together and bring children to form a family, is love.

All family members need to understand that you have to learn to love. Love is demanding, it implies setting limits and meeting them in order to grow and thus guarantee the happiness of the family. In addition, it is the main source of healing for all wounds.

values ​​of a happy family: love

2. Respect

Love grows when one’s own norms and the dignity of the family are respected.  It nurtures the self-confidence of each of its members.

As long as the needs, particularities and preferences of each member of the family are respected, the feeling of togetherness will grow.

Respect is also recognizing and valuing the other’s way of thinking, even when it is the opposite of your own. Respect within the family transcends and permeates everything that surrounds that family.

3. Empathy

In order to respect the differences between family members, it is also necessary to put yourself in the place of the other. And it is not always easy. On many occasions it will be necessary to try to forget previously established patterns  or prejudices or to heal also the wounds that daily coexistence may cause us.

values ​​of a happy family: family empathy.

Empathy and love strengthen the family bond. Thus, they support the family in difficult situations, help solve crises and continue to grow together.

Thanks to empathy, what affects the other is recognized, the efforts they make are valued, and their achievements are applauded, no matter how small.  Empathy grows with generosity that provides affection, time to share, and understanding.

4. Honesty

Communication between family members must be honest, without fear. Family honesty will be transferred to the rest of the relationships that are established in life.

It is an essential element of lasting relationships. By breaking the family union is at risk. Honesty is also inevitably linked to trust and transparency.

5. Autonomy

We must recognize the differences of the members of the same family, respect their thoughts and preferences, and also support the spiritual and autonomous growth of each of its members.

Parents must support their children’s growth and strengthen their flight, to feed their self-esteem.

values ​​of a happy family: autonomy

Children recognize the efforts of parents and support them. They grow up and make their own decisions, from the autonomy that their parents gave them. Thus, they are able to work as a team to achieve the common welfare.

6. The values ​​of a happy family: forgiveness

Forgiveness is an extraordinary way to express love. Throughout family life many mistakes will be made. Thus, accepting that a fault was committed, forgiving yourself and correcting it is part of the dynamic of a healthy and happy family.

With rigidity, negativity and pride forgiveness is not built. On the other hand, if love, honesty and empathy are combined, anything is possible.

Finding the strength to both forgive and ask for forgiveness when needed will become a daily happy family practice.

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