7 Domestic Uses Of Lavender That You Will Like To Know

Lavender is a plant known throughout the world.

Not only for its showy violet flowers, but for its exquisite aroma and interesting relaxing properties.

It is native to the western Mediterranean basin and there are between 25 and 30 varieties of its species.

At present, its flowers and extracts are used at an industrial level  for the production of cleaning products, fragrances and some cosmetics.

However, many prefer to take advantage of them in their natural state, since in this way they preserve their aroma and properties to the maximum.

Due to its composition and characteristics, it is a plant with many interesting uses in household tasks.

What can we use lavender for?

1. Natural air freshener


Natural air fresheners have become the best alternative for those who suffer from allergies due to the chemicals in commercial products.

Among these, lavender flowers and oil are a favorite, not only because of their ability to neutralize unpleasant odors but because their fragrance is long-lasting and relaxing.

Both the plant and the dried flowers tend to improve the home environment, especially in spaces with little ventilation.

2. Toner for oily skin

Lavender infusion is an excellent alternative to replace the expensive commercial toners that they sell to neutralize oily skin.

Its properties deeply clean pores, remove excess oil and leave a pleasant sensation of freshness.

The ideal is to apply it cold, either with the help of a spray bottle, a cloth or a piece of cotton.

3. Remedy against mites

A simple bouquet of lavender leaves is enough to prevent mites from colonizing wooden cabinets and furniture.

Put it inside a cloth bag, tie it with a thread and put it in strategic places.

By the way you will be avoiding the bad odors that are usually harbored in this type of elements.

4. Natural insecticide

Instead of spending large sums of money on the harmful insecticides that they sell in the market, you can take advantage of the properties of this wonderful plant.

Its infusion is enough to drive away some undesirable critters.

It is also recommended to enhance its effects in a preparation with white vinegar.

It is enough to incorporate the flowers or the oil into a bottle with the product and, after two or three days, proceed to use it.

5. Hair conditioner


One of the most interesting uses of this ingredient has to do with hair beauty.

The liquid that results from the infusion of the flowers has a conditioning effect that can replace commercial products.

Its properties clean the scalp, prevent dandruff and provide a special shine to the entire mane.

In addition, it is ideal for those with oily hair who cannot use creams or products with oily substances.

6. Lotion for cuts and burns

Lavender in cold tea makes a natural lotion to relieve burning caused by burns and superficial skin lesions.

Its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties accelerate the recovery of the affected tissues.

It is also a good option to avoid infections in small cuts.

Or scrapes and burns, and to minimize, in turn, the risk of marks and scars.

7. To purify the atmosphere of the room

The bedroom collects dust that can affect respiratory health, sleep and emotional state.

Difficulties sleeping, the feeling of low energy and stress are indicative that your air needs to be purified.

Lavender steam is recommended for a complete detox.

They prolong the feeling of freshness in the room and facilitate the elimination of germs and bad odors.

Its relaxing properties act on the body and help to improve the quality of sleep.

To keep in mind!

Lavender is a gentle plant that does not usually cause any inconvenience when used in the home.

However, in some special cases it can cause contact dermatitis or eczema.

So it is recommended to do a previous test before using it on hair or skin.

In addition, it is good to check the tolerance to its aroma, since in certain people it causes allergic reactions.

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