7 Medicinal Applications Of Tea Tree Oil That You Will Like To Know

The treatment of acne is perhaps the best known use of tea tree oil but there are many others. Do you want to know them? 

The oil Tea tree is a medicinal and therapeutic. It is obtained through the distillation of the leaves and bark of a small Australian tree known as Melaleuca Alternifolia. They provide an antiseptic, fungicidal and anti-inflammatory product that, for decades, has been used as a solution to combat infectious agents and skin problems.

It is used externally, almost always diluted or accompanied with other ingredients, since some of its components are irritating if they make direct contact. In addition, it can be found in commercial creams and ointments, as the industry has taken advantage of its qualities to provide effective treatments against common skin conditions. The best part is that it is usually easily found in herbal stores and, for a small price, it is a remedy that can be kept in the medicine cabinet for emergencies.

Taking into account that some still do not know its benefits, in the following space we want to share its 7 main medicinal uses.

1. Acne treatment

The antimicrobial compounds in this natural product help reduce bacteria that accumulate on the skin and influence the appearance of acne pimples. Tea tree oil reduces inflammation and facilitates pore cleansing, regulating excessive oil  production.

Tea tree oil is one of the most used remedies to eliminate acne

How to use?

Put a couple of drops on a cotton swab and apply it on the pimples, 2 or 3 times a day. Optionally, pour up to 10 drops into a pot of hot water and steam for 10 minutes.

2. Remedy for onychomycosis

The antifungal action of tea tree oil usually helps to eliminate fungi that affect the structure of the nails. Its daily use, undiluted, attacks these microorganisms and stops their infection and proliferation. The portal of the Dermatology Service of the Hospital del Mar (Barcelona) explains the following:

How to use?

Moisten a cotton ball with the product and rub it on the affected nails, 2 times a day. Perform the treatment for at least 3 months in a row.

3. Treatment for vaginal infections

Due to its antibacterial and antifungal properties, this essential oil is a natural solution against infections that affect female intimate health. Its external use reduces the proliferation of yeasts and bacteria, avoiding, among other things, bad odors.

Tea tree oil can become your best ally when it comes to fighting vaginal infections

How to use?

Dilute 10 drops of tea tree oil in warm water and take sitz baths every day. Optionally, put 2-3 drops of the product on your underwear.

4. Fight dandruff with tea tree oil

Due to its ability to combat fungi, this ingredient can be used as a solution for the annoying dandruff that forms on the scalp. Its application calms the itching sensation and stops the excessive production of fat.

How to use?

Add 10 or 12 drops of the product to your regular use shampoo and apply it until the problem is controlled.

5. Treatment for cuts and wounds

The tea tree is a natural antiseptic that prevents skin infections in cases of cuts and superficial wounds.

Tea tree oil is a good treatment for cuts and wounds

How to use?

  • Dilute the oil in a little water and wash the wound
  • When it is healing, dilute it in aloe vera juice or coconut oil
  • Use it until the skin recovers completely

6. Remedy for sunburn

The application of this ingredient on burned skin accelerates the cell regeneration process and prevents the formation of blisters and infections.

How to use?

Combine equal parts tea tree oil and water and spray it on the burns 2 times a day. Use it until the skin is completely healed.

7. Treatment to remove warts

While warts cannot be removed overnight, applying this essential oil can help soften the hardness so it falls off faster. Its antiviral compounds stop the growth of the viruses that cause this problem and, incidentally, prevent it from spreading to other areas of the skin.

Fight warts with tea tree oil

How to use?

Dampen a piece of cotton wool with undiluted tea tree oil and secure it on the wart with a bandage. Remove it the next day and repeat the process until it is completely gone.

As you have seen, this product is very versatile and can help you solve some common health problems.

Keep it handy and use it when you need to disinfect the skin or fight external infections.

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