7 Morning Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Routine

Start off on the right foot or get up on the left side of the bed? Two expressions that summarize how important it is to wake up. However, you may be making mistakes in the morning that ruin your routine.

The initial moments determine, to a large extent, how the rest of the day will be. Morning activities are more important than you think. Therefore, in order to comply with the scheduled agenda, it is vital to establish objectives.

In this article we will review 7 mistakes in the morning that you may be making that ruin your routine. Of course, we will also talk about what you should do to avoid them, changing them for more productive activities.

Mistakes in the morning to avoid

Mornings are often difficult. Most of them get up on time to start the study or work day.

Depending on the development of the various activities, the first hours of the day can become a positive or negative precedent. It all depends on you avoiding making some mistakes in the morning that can ruin your routine.

1. Snooze or pause the alarm

It is true that when the alarm goes off we still want to continue dreaming. But it can be fatal to press the mute button to make it play later to get some more sleep. The biggest danger with snoozing is that those 5 minutes turn into half an hour and even more.

2. Stay in bed

After we wake up and open our eyes, the next step should be to get up immediately. But another mistake in the morning is that we stay in bed tossing and turning, feeling the warmth of the sheets.

There we stretch out, listen to the chirping of birds, take the telephone or the remote control of the TV. So the minutes go by, postponing the moment we leave. Some even start working in bed.

Person works in bed.

3. Negative thoughts and moods

According to various studies, lack of sleep can be associated with feelings of stress, fatigue and depression. When we don’t sleep well, in the morning we can have negative thoughts. You may not like your job, the teacher you have classes with that day. Maybe there is an exam and you did not study.

However, if when you wake up you focus on what you do not like, the next thing that can happen is that you do not want to go out or get dressed or eat. Or you will not be in a great hurry to do everything you need.

4. Hurry

As curious or paradoxical as it may sound, rushing a lot in the morning doesn’t always help. And it is that being anxious and desperate can lead to catastrophic results. We can have accidents and setbacks if we do everything in a hurry: knock down a vase, get burned with the pan or iron, drop the mobile.

There will also be mornings when you experience some anxiety when you wake up and think that it is late, that you need to go out and you need to accelerate the pace. But from the rush, what remains is fatigue.

In the long run, making a habit of rushing has consequences. Your mind does not relax the rest of the day, you are in a constant state of exaltation and you begin to suffer stress.

5. Skip breakfast

No matter how in a hurry, you must not forget that breakfast is an important meal. Not only do mothers say it, but also studies on the matter support it.

Breakfast gives you the energy you need to face the rest of the day. But if you put it off or skip it, you might not find time for it later. And that will bring you problems of various kinds, including health conditions.

Take time for your breakfast  and try to make it healthy; that includes fruit, some carbohydrates and protein. Man does not live on coffee alone.

6. Procrastination

Procrastination is the practice or habit of leaving everything for later, postponing tasks that do not end up being carried out, but that can be important.

In this sense, we must learn to distinguish the necessary activities from the indispensable ones. Calling our mothers or partners is important. However, by doing so we will be leaving aside other actions, such as a shower or breakfast.

But the problem isn’t just procrastinating in the morning. It may happen that the day before you did not want to iron the clothes you were going to wear and you left it for waking up, when you have more to do. If you got up late by the way, you are already starting to have a difficult day.

In relation to this point, one of the most common mistakes in the morning is waking up with the phone in hand, checking the mail or social networks. We will surely be leaving something important out.

According to a study , people spend more than 11 hours a day interacting through various devices. And part of this time is at the beginning of the day, definitely affecting the routines.

While some claim that they can make coffee while looking at the phone, this is a great risk. With the telephone occupying the hands, domestic accidents can occur and, in the least serious of cases, we will have to waste time cleaning up a mess.

7. Routine too long or complicated

The morning routine should not be prolonged too much;  so much so that it does not allow time to complete it, affecting the rest of the day. Then we will be in a hurry, stressed or upset about having left something half done.

Therefore, you have to concentrate on the essentials. Keeping mornings simple helps avoid fatigue and exhaustion from having to make so many decisions in such a short amount of time.

How to avoid mistakes in the morning

We have already seen what are the mistakes you can make and that affect your routine. It is time to reverse the equation and turn the problem into a goal.

1. Schedule

Lack of a routine in the morning can cause your whole day to become disorganized and you cannot do what you have planned. The start of your day should not be left to chance. Therefore, it is important to have a routine and ideally it helps you avoid making all those mistakes.

2. The night before

The morning routine begins the night before. Plan your day, as much as possible, leaving room for unforeseen contingencies.

Do everything you can at night to optimize time when you get up. Think about the clothes you are going to wear and what you are going to have for breakfast.

Lastly, go to bed early. The later you sleep, the more difficult it will be to wake up on time.

3. Get up early

It is possible that you are missing a few minutes in the morning and that is why things are complicated for you. In that case, set the alarm. Maybe what you need is an extra 15 minutes to get everything done.

Make this a habit, even on the weekends. That way it won’t be so traumatic for you on Monday when you go back to work. But remember that getting up early is not the same as waking up early.

4. Fighting bad mood

Within your morning routine you have to find a space to do something that makes you happy and motivates you, to work for what you want. Listen to your favorite song, watch a motivational video or look out the window, have a coffee, meditate, do some yoga or exercise.

Maybe you don’t always find your work pleasant, but then, better focus on the positive. For example, think about what you are going to do with what you save.

Have a coffee in the morning as a good routine.

5. Focus on what’s relevant

Certain activities are relevant, but perhaps they do not fit in such a short time. Exercising, walking the dog or watering the plants are tasks that you can do when you return home. You have to simplify and shorten.

Remember that multitasking is the best way to avoid doing any. Take it all easy. Try to go one step at a time. Even so, you avoid the risks involved in overlapping activities.

Importance of avoiding mistakes in the morning for a productive routine

We will never have a perfect day where everything goes according to plan. However, we can minimize setbacks by avoiding certain mistakes.

If you have good morning habits, are proactive and anticipate problems before they arise, you will have a better performance and a more productive day.

Starting the day without questioning what we do, concentrating on each task, is a way to avoid wearing ourselves out. Remember that we can only control certain variables that are within our reach. One of them is attitude.

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