7 Morning Rituals For Cellulite

Some morning rituals can help you maintain a healthy lifestyle and reduce cellulite. These are mostly very simple measures, like drinking enough water throughout the day.

It should be borne in mind that cellulite is a common aesthetic problem that, given its complexity, cannot be fought with a single specific measure, but rather, with a set of good habits. Regarding these, it is clear that consistency and consistency are two key factors.

Morning rituals to alleviate cellulite

Before I start to tell you about the morning rituals that can help you mitigate cellulite, it is necessary to clarify that none of them, by themselves, can provide results. So, you should always try to maintain a healthy lifestyle in order to obtain benefits.

1. Drink water

Drinking water on an empty stomach has not been scientifically proven to be of any particular benefit. However, drinking a glass of water when you wake up is a good way to hydrate after having spent several hours of rest, without ingesting fluids.

There are those who decide to add a slice of lemon or orange to their glass of water to give it a certain flavor and thus enjoy the drink more. You can do it too!

Good hydration helps the body to perform its functions correctly; And this includes maintaining the health of the skin.

Lemon water morning remedies to combat cellulite

2. Exercise

Exercise is the best way to mitigate cellulite and maintain good skin health, in general. Therefore, it is convenient that you establish a routine so that, little by little, you get used to staying active.

There are trainers who consider that a good exercise routine to eliminate cellulite is one that helps you build muscle. In this way you burn the accumulated fat and give shape to that skin where cellulite has already appeared.

It is important that you are aware from the beginning that you will need at least a month to see the first results. Among the most recommended exercises are:

  • Stretching
  • ABS.
  • Oblique abs.
  • Up and down stairs.

It is important that you be patient when it comes to seeing the results. You will not appreciate big changes in the first month because these do not appear until 6 weeks of continuous exercise. The important thing is not to get discouraged and, above all, not to stop exercising when you already have the desired results.

We propose the following exercise:

3. Brush your skin

Although not scientifically proven, popular belief indicates that dry brushing (before showering) would help alleviate cellulite. It is necessary to have a natural bristle brush (otherwise you could scratch or hurt the skin) and gently pass it over the skin, from top to bottom, with slow movements. Never vigorously rubbing.

This ritual would help improve blood circulation and thus mitigate cellulite.

4. Apply anti-cellulite cream on the affected area

After brushing your skin and showering, you can apply an anti-cellulite cream to the most affected areas. To find out which one may be the best for you, you can consult with your dermatologist. 

  • No cream will eliminate cellulite by itself, therefore, you have to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  • According to popular belief, the best creams to eliminate cellulite are those with formulas rich in antioxidants and caffeine, but you can use any other of your choice.
  • When applying the cream, You should do it with gentle circular movements. 

5. Eat a healthy breakfast

All the morning rituals to eliminate cellulite that we have recommended will be of little use if your diet is not healthy. Therefore, it is best that you try to improve your eating habits (depending on what your doctor and nutritionist tell you).

A good breakfast is key to maintaining good skin health. Make sure to include various fruits, as they are not only rich in various nutrients and fiber, but also in others.

6. Wear loose clothing

Forget about tight clothing! On a daily basis, it is best to wear comfortable clothing, which is not tight or tight. Otherwise, the only thing you will do is make the appearance of cellulite worse.

7. Reduce your coffee consumption

In the morning, many people drink a cup of coffee to get active. This is not bad, as long as you do not consume too much coffee for the rest of the day.

When you have cellulite, it is best to avoid drinking coffee, soda, and sugary drinks in general, as these only tend to make the problem worse. It is best to consume enough water throughout the day and natural, unsweetened beverages.

Drink your coffee first thing in the morning if you wish, but avoid this drink for the rest of the day. Give preference to water and fruit juices.

Cellulite is fought with good habits

We hope these morning rituals help you maintain a healthier routine that keeps cellulite at bay. Remember that perseverance will always be your best ally and that, in case you have any questions, it is best to consult your doctor.

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