7 Simple Remedies To Increase Libido Naturally

Is it possible to increase libido naturally? How do you do it? What benefits could it bring? These are some questions that people who currently experience low libido ask themselves.

Lack of libido or sexual loss of appetite can have different causes : emotional issues, stress, nutritional deficiencies, psychological disorders, side effects of medications, hormonal irregularities, among others.

According to information published in the National Health Service (NHS) , in the face of this problem it is important to consult a family doctor, a psychosexual therapist, a contraception and sexual health clinic and other entities that can provide everything necessary to overcome it.

First of all, it must be borne in mind that the lack of sexual desire can have various causes and, therefore, they must be recognized and given appropriate treatment depending on the case.

As a complement, you can try some remedies of natural origin whose properties help to increase libido. Which are? How do you make it? Here we detail it.

Libido in men and women

The prototype of the woman who, after a certain age, suffers a decrease in libido is today an anecdote. Modern life, characterized by a stressful routine and poor diet, can lead to libido problems, among many other health problems.

That is why it is important to do self-criticism, analyze the possible causes of sexual loss of appetite and put a solution to it at the hands of professionals. In this way we will improve our state of health in general, while we manage to have an active and healthy sexual life.

Increase libido naturally

Natural remedies have been used since ancient times as a supplement to increase sexual desire. There are a wide variety of ingredients whose properties increase libido and functions associated with it. Do you want to try them? Let’s look at the most popular options.

1. Cinnamon with honey

Cinnamon is a spice with a delicious and aromatic flavor with stimulating and calorific properties, two virtues highly appreciated by those who suffer from a lack of libido. In addition, if we combine it with honey, rich in vitamins and minerals, we get a very nutritious remedy that gives us a large dose of energy and vitality.

Every morning we will take a tablespoon of honey with Ceylon cinnamon powder. We have opted for this variety because it is the one that contains the most medicinal properties, even though its price is a bit more expensive than the rest.

2. Smoothies with maca

Maca root may provide health benefits.

Today fruit and vegetable smoothies are in fashion, since they allow us to consume raw and nutritious food, with all its properties, in a comfortable and pleasant way. These shakes are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, protein and fatty acids, making them ideal to increase the feeling of energy.

In this case, we suggest adding a little powdered maca, an ingredient that has become popular for its aphrodisiac properties.

Although the evidence in this regard is limited and contradictory, data published in the National Center for Biotechnology Information indicate that its consumption has been promoted for the improvement of sexual desire and sperm count, mood, as well as energy and stamina physical. 

Note: those who suffer from high blood pressure or nervousness should consult their doctor before consuming maca.

3. Ylang-ylang essential oil

Essential oils are a natural and very effective resource to enhance the sensuality in the couple and increase libido in a natural way. These oils can be used as perfumes, to aromatize the bedroom or to perform massages.

Ylang-ylang essential oil is one of the most aphrodisiac, along with vanilla, jasmine, cinnamon or ginger. In addition, as a study published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine points out , this oil can be used in aromatherapy to reduce anxiety, depression and high blood pressure.

All this, in general, is beneficial when it comes to increasing sexual desire. Remember that, many times, the lack of libido comes from uncontrolled moods.

4. Ginger in all recipes

Ginger is, along with cinnamon, a very stimulating spice. For this reason, it is considered that it can be ideal to increase libido naturally.

In fact, a recent study published in Biomolecules suggests that ginger supplementation, particularly under conditions of oxidative stress, improves testosterone production in men. However, the evidence is still limited.

We can add ginger to all kinds of recipes:

  • Bread.
  • Lemonade.
  • Juices and smoothies.
  • Sweets and cakes.
  • Meat and fish.

5. Laminaria

Laminar is a type of algae rich in B vitamins, minerals, fiber and protein. It includes different varieties, such as kombu or fucus , all of them very beneficial to remineralize the body and improve health. One of the most unknown virtues of these algae is to increase sexual desire.

6. Bach flowers

Increase libido with Bach flowers

The evidence on the efficacy of Bach flowers is limited and controversial. In fact, there is no research that associates its use with an increase in sexual desire.

However, in popular culture they have been used as an aphrodisiac, especially in aromatherapy. In this way, it also helps reduce emotional imbalances.

7. Chocolate, a delight to increase libido naturally

Chocolate is one of the foods that is associated with increased sexual desire. Since ancient times it has been used to increase energy level and libido. According to a study published in the South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition , this ingredient promotes the release of phenylethylamine and serotonin in the body.

Because of this, it is often considered an aphrodisiac and energetic. In general, it lifts the mood and reduces states of stress and depression.

Is it possible to turn to the remedies and the sexologist?

Yes, in the face of any problem associated with a decrease in sexual desire, it is best to consult with professionals in the field. Thus, it is more likely to determine its exact origin and the safest and most effective solution.

It should not be forgotten that, in addition to the doctor, the sexologist can provide useful indications for the day to day.

As a complement to a healthy lifestyle, you can use the natural remedies that we have discussed above, however, although we can support ourselves with several natural remedies when wanting to increase libido, we must always maintain the corresponding precautions.

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