7 Tips To Remove Blackheads From The Face Quickly

Eliminating blackheads from the face is a concern for many people. The pores of the skin become clogged by excessive perspiration of the sebaceous glands. Then the sebum and keratin get oxidized and produce those unsightly spots.

In this article we share the best tips to remove blackheads from your skin quickly. We will achieve it naturally thanks to some very effective homemade ingredients. Discover them!

Black dots

Anyone can get blackheads. Sometimes it is annoying, since it is an unsightly sign that generally appears on the face, especially on the nose. But  this problem is not always related to acne.  Rather, it is caused by excess fat and sweating.

To remove blackheads from the face, it is necessary to do a facial cleansing. There are various products on the market that are undoubtedly useful for this. There are also home treatments that with these products will be very effective.

You should know that to eliminate these blackheads it is essential to maintain a cleaning routine based on two points:

  • Wash your face constantly.
  • Remove makeup every night. We should not touch or manipulate blackheads, as that only hurts the skin.
  • Exfoliate the skin once a week.
  • Use cosmetic products suitable for our skin type. 

Masks for blackheads

7 infallible tips for blackheads

Tip 1: Yogurt, cucumber and parsley mask

The combination of yogurt, cucumber and parsley is very suitable for all skin types. It allows us to clean the pores while keeping the skin hydrated. In this way we do not damage the skin and we keep it glowing.

  • Mix 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt, parsley leaves and ½ cucumber in the blender.
  • Beat until you get a homogeneous paste.
  • Apply to the face and leave it for 15 minutes.
  • Remove it with lukewarm water.

Tip 2: Steam to remove blackheads

  • Heat water in a container and let it steam sufficiently.
  • Place your face on top where there is no risk of burning, but enough steam can reach it.
  • Stay for a few minutes before retiring. Immediately tighten the area where we have the black dots.

Thanks to the heat, the skin expands and the pores open, facilitating cleaning. You can put cottons on your fingers so that there are no marks on your face. If you wish, you can also add a few drops of an essential oil to the water.

Tip 3: Mask with gelatin and milk

  • In a bowl, add a tablespoon of milk and add a tablespoon of unflavored gelatin.
  • Mix to form a paste.
  • Then heat for ten seconds and, with a brush, put the paste in the places where the dots are.
  • Let act for 10 minutes.
  • Remove with your hands, as the mask will remain as a gel.

Tip 4: Lemon mask

Lemon to clean blackheads

Lemon is a very purifying and cleansing ingredient. In addition, it helps to remove blemishes on the skin. For this reason, we will mix it with hydrating and nourishing ingredients to compensate.

  • Mix some lemon juice with almond oil and glycerin.
  • Apply every night after removing your makeup.
  • Rinse with lukewarm water.

Tip 5: Honey and cinnamon scrub

This mask adds the cleansing and protective benefits of honey with the exfoliating power of cinnamon. It is a very effective combination for all skin types. We will prepare it as follows:

  • Mix  honey with cinnamon powder.
  • Stir to form a paste and apply it to the specific places where the blackheads are.

Do not remove it until the next day and repeat the procedure for two weeks to remove the blackheads.

Tip 6: Oatmeal smoothie

Oats contain mucilage, a fiber that makes the skin soft. In addition, at the same time it exfoliates it very gently to be able to eliminate the sebum that accumulates in the pores. We will follow the following steps:

  • Put oat flakes and warm water in the blender  to blend everything together.
  • We must get a homogeneous paste.
  • Apply to the face and leave it on until it dries.
  • Rinse and dry your face well with a towel.

Tip 7: Apple mask

Finally, to eliminate blackheads, we can use the apple. This enzyme-rich fruit is a food that has always been associated with clean and healthy skin. To use it, we will only have to do the following:

  • Beat ½ apple with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice.
  • Apply all over the face.
  • Remove with lukewarm water.
  • The result is amazing.

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