8 Ideal Shakes To Lose Weight

Having an adequate weight is important to reduce the risk of suffering from knee pain, heart disease, problems with menstruation, diabetes, kidney problems, etc. We explain how to make 8 ideal shakes to take care of yourself in a delicious way.

1. Mango smoothie

Mango contains many vitamins, such as A, B6, and C, as well as folates and nutrients that help the body feel fuller. It is also rich in fiber and energy, which improves digestive function and the appetite-satiety mechanism according to science.


  • ¼ cup with mango pieces (40 g).
  • ¼ cup of mashed ripe avocado (56 g).
  • Half a cup of ripe mango juice (125 ml).
  • A quarter cup of vanilla yogurt (nonfat) (50 g).
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice (15 ml).
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar (15 g).
  • Ice cubes.


  • Take all the ingredients mentioned above and put them in a blender.
  • Beat everything until smooth.
  • Serve in a large glass.
  • Add a little lemon juice and stir well.
  • Add pieces of mango or blackberries, depending on your preference.

2. Blueberry smoothie

This fruit is high in water and fiber, which is very beneficial to make you feel full for longer. Also, blueberries are sweet and can satisfy your need for treats with fewer calories.

On the other hand, they are full of antioxidant substances that are very healthy for the body. In addition, an article published in the “European Journal of Nutrition” states that regular consumption of blueberries delays cognitive decline.

Blueberries contain a special group of phytonutrients that help reduce free radicals and protect the brain.


  • A cup of skim milk (250 ml).
  • A cup of frozen and unsweetened blueberries (140 g).
  • 1 tablespoon of organic linseed oil (cold pressed).


  • Take a blender and add the milk and blueberries.
  • Beat for 2-3 minutes.
  • Serve it in a glass and add the flaxseed.
  • Stir well.

3. Peach smoothie

Peaches and fruit smoothie

The peach helps reduce hunger thanks to its high fiber content . It also contains a very low caloric density. On the other hand, consuming this fruit is very beneficial to maintain good health and strengthen your immune system. One of the most attractive ingredients to make those ideal weight loss shakes.


  • A cup of skim milk (250 ml).
  • A cup of frozen and unsweetened peaches (150 g).
  • Two tablespoons of organic linseed oil (cold pressed).


  • Combine the milk and frozen peaches in the blender.
  • Beat for a few minutes and serve in a glass.
  • Add the organic linseed oil and stir well to incorporate.

4. Pineapple smoothie

Pineapple is a very useful fruit for weight loss. Its fiber and water content helps you feel full for longer and helps reduce your appetite. 


  • A cup of skim milk (250 ml).
  • A pineapple cut into chunks.
  • 1 tablespoon of organic flaxseed oil.
  • A handful of ice.


  • Combine the pineapple and milk in the blender.
  • Add ice and beat for a minute.
  • Pour the contents of the mixer into a glass.
  • Add the organic linseed oil.
  • Stir well.

5. Strawberry smoothie

Strawberry milkshake

Strawberries contain a large amount of vitamin C that promotes fat oxidation when exercising according to several scientific studies.  For this reason, they are an excellent food to lose weight more easily.


  • A cup of skim milk (250 ml).
  • One cup of frozen and unsweetened strawberries (166 g).
  • Two tablespoons of organic linseed oil (cold pressed).


  • Mix the milk and strawberries in the blender.
  • Beat for a few minutes until you get a homogeneous mixture.
  • To finish, add the organic linseed oil.

6. Ideal smoothies with vegetables

Vegetables are suitable foods to include in a weight loss diet and, in addition, they can be consumed in the form of smoothies.


  • ½ cucumber.
  • ½ head of celery.
  • Two cups of spinach (60 g).
  • A handful of mint
  • 3 carrots
  • ½ handful of parsley.
  • ¼ pineapple, orange and lemon.
  • 2 apples.


  • Put all the ingredients in the blender and mix until it has a homogeneous texture.
  • Pour it into a glass.
  • For fast results drink this shake regularly.

7. Natural protein shake

It is a shake that stimulates satiety, according to an article published in the “British Journal of Nutrition”, and which contains a very low caloric density. As if this were not enough, it is rich in essential amino acids, important to carry out multiple physiological reactions.


  • ½ banana.
  • ½ cup of peanut butter (100 g).
  • 1 scoop chocolate flavored whey protein .
  • ½ cup of fat-free milk (125 ml).
  • 6 to 8 ice cubes.


  • Pour all the ingredients into a blender.
  • Beat for a few minutes until the texture is homogeneous and consistent.
  • Pour the smoothie into a glass.


However, if you want to further reduce the calorie content of this shake, try substituting more of the peanut butter for more protein whey.

8. Mixed papaya, ginger, lemon, yogurt and mint smoothie

Ginger smoothie

Papaya improves digestive health , while ginger and peppermint relieve an upset stomach. On the other hand, lemon increases the levels of vitamin C and, finally, yogurt is good for increasing the number of probiotic agents in your body.


  • 1 ½ cup of papaya cut into pieces (140 g).
  • 2 tablespoons of fresh ginger (20 g).
  • Juice of ½ lemon.
  • Some mint leaves.
  • ½ cup of yogurt (100 g).
  • 1 cup of ice cubes.
  • 1 tablespoon of agave nectar (15 ml).


  • Put all these ingredients in a blender and process them at high speed for several seconds.
  • Pour the contents of the mixer into a suitable glass.
  • To complement the benefits of this juice, also drink water regularly.

To keep in mind!

If you want these ideal shakes to have an even greater effect on your health and in your effort to lose weight, you must take into account some other considerations.

  • Avoid using artificial sweeteners.
  • Cut down on products that have added sugar, artificial colors, and preservatives.
  • Avoid consuming canned and processed foods.

Now that you know how to make ideal and delicious smoothies to take care of yourself, make them part of your diet. You will notice it!

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