9 Ways To Naturally Prevent ‘spider Veins’

To improve our circulation and prevent the appearance of spider veins, exercise is important, but it is also useful to do low intensity activities, such as walking the dog or walking to work

One of the most common aesthetic problems and hated by women are the so-called “spiderlings”. These are small red or blue veins, which are produced after a dilation of the smaller capillaries and the superficial vessels.

In general, these veins do not cause pain, but they affect a lot on an aesthetic level, since they usually appear on the legs and also on the face.

Here we bring you 9 ways that could contribute to prevent “spiders.” Find out what they are!

What are the causes of “spider veins”?

Telangiectasias or “spider veins” are dilations of blood vessels on the surface of the skin, which can appear in areas such as the face or legs.

The factors related to the appearance of “spider veins” are usually associated with genetics, pregnancy, loss and / or sudden weight gain, sitting or standing for a long time, hormonal changes, chronic constipation, the use of certain types of medications, lifestyles, among others.

It is also important to bear in mind that the use of very tight clothing or high shoes, influence the appearance of this problem.

How to prevent spider veins?

Telangiectasias are treated with microinjections, laser, or high intensity light. Therefore, it is necessary to go to a professional to study the case and offer the most appropriate treatment. Also, telangiectasias can indicate a more serious problem, so see a doctor if they occur.

To avoid the dilation of the blood vessels that cause the appearance of the annoying “spider veins” there is no safe and exact method; however, some tips and good habits could be key to preventing this problem.

1. Improve your circulation


Good circulation is key to preventing and fighting annoying spider veins, especially when they occur on the legs. To get good circulation, keep the following in mind:

  • Exercise frequently, such as running, walking, taking stairs, cycling, among others. It is also useful to do low intensity activities, such as walking the dog, cleaning the house, walking to work, etc.
  • Try to sit up keeping your legs elevated to rest them.
  • If you have to sit or stand for a long time, follow guidelines for stretching exercises, changing positions, or doing movements that help stimulate circulation.

2. Control your weight

Weight gain or loss.

Being overweight and obese is another of the most common causes of the appearance of “spiders”, since this will make you feel more pressure on your legs, which will begin to be noticed with the appearance of this problem. It is very important to lose weight and try to control it, if we really want to try to avoid spider veins.

3. Get a regular massage

Sclerosis massages

A good massage could also help improve circulation, preventing and fighting the appearance of annoying spiders. If you want an extra plus in your massage to combat this annoying problem, keep in mind the following recommended:

  • To combat “spider veins”, do your massage using apple cider vinegar, and then place vinegar compresses on the affected area.

4. Sleep with your legs elevated

Sleeping with your legs elevated could also contribute to the proper functioning of circulation, so it is recommended to put a pillow under your legs while you sleep on your back.

5. Improve your diet

Colon water

Diet plays a very important role in the prevention and treatment of spider veins. It is recommended to increase the consumption of antioxidant foods, as well as those rich in vitamins C and A.

It is also important to reduce your salt intake, drink more water during the day, as well as consume more fruits, vegetables, chicken, fish and cereals.

6. Do exercises to tone your legs

Any exercise to tone and work the legs could help prevent spider veins. Physical therapy and exercise programs are often recommended, but there is little evidence to support their use.

Try exercises like walking, doing steps, running, jumping, pedaling, among others.

7. Avoid crossing your legs


Crossing your legs for a long time can make circulation difficult, and as a result, spiders can start to appear.

8. Remember to wear comfortable clothes and shoes

As we mentioned at the beginning, very tight clothing and high heels can influence the appearance of annoying spider veins. For this it is very important to choose comfortable clothing, avoiding that they are too tight. You should also choose to wear shoes that are lighter, not very high heels and that stimulate good circulation.

9. Use sunscreen

The sun’s rays can make the problem worse. Skin photoaging leads to loss of skin elasticity, wrinkle formation, thickening of the dermis and epidermis, depigmentation, and telangiectasia.

So it is important to use sunscreen if we are going to expose ourselves directly to the sun. You can choose a sunscreen according to your skin type and do not forget it when you go out.

In any case, you have many or few “spiders”, take care of your body and love yourself. Do not forget to go to a specialist doctor to study your case in case there is another problem behind it.

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