I Forgive You Because I Love You, But I Walk Away Because I Love Myself

Before issuing a sincere and emotional “I love you”, we should, in turn, give each day an “I love myself and I know I deserve to be happy. It is not easy to separate these two spheres that are so intimate, as well as complex, such as the needs of oneself and those of the partner. However, it is vital that we take care of our self-esteem and our identity.

If you have ever lived that moment when you had to leave the person you loved because you were aware that maintaining that relationship was as painful as it was self-destructive, you will know, without a doubt, how hard it is to make that decision. Now, something that everyone should know, especially those adolescents who start their first affective relationships, is that authentic love does not hurt.

Love must be beautiful, comforting and wise, so that “I love you” and “I love myself” are not like water and oil. We invite you to reflect on it.

I love myself enough to love you with all my soul

Those who do not love themselves will hardly be able to establish a sincere and healthy relationship. It is clear that none of us are wise craftsmen of affection, correspondence and that complicity that understands, respects and builds authentic happiness.

Communication in the couple

Love is built every day. Provided that there is a will on both sides and that they do not seek exclusively to satisfy their own needs. Because whoever does not love himself carries out a series of behaviors that threaten his self-esteem.

  • Whoever does not love himself seeks for others to satisfy his emotional needs and deficiencies.
  • It is impossible to attend to our self-esteem and identity when we maintain an emotional relationship with someone who does not love himself. We focus all our energies on serving him, on making that person happy.
  • Sometimes when we fall in love with someone we do not love, we think that we are going to act as their “saviors.” We can think that we will be the answer to their problems and the light to all their darkness.
  • However, what happens is that, in the end, we are emotionally exhausted, to the point of forgetting ourselves.

I love myself enough to love you as you deserve

A mature relationship is a conscious relationship. In it, none of the members of that couple blackmail each other, where there is no “yours and mine”, much less “because I say so.”

  • In a mature relationship I can say “I love myself” because I know that only when I feel like a complete person, without fear of loneliness and who knows how happiness is built, will I be able to give the best of myself to the other person.
  • If I love myself, I will not force you to turn off my fears, to cover my deficiencies, to be my daily savior or to “give me oxygen” every time I need to breathe.

I forgive you, but I leave you

let go of the people who don't love you

As we mentioned at the beginning, most of us have had to leave someone we loved on occasion. The reason for this distance can be a betrayal, fatigue, the realization that we are not loved as we deserve.

  • Now, whatever the cause for which we have had to break that affective bond, it is necessary to carry it out through forgiveness. It may cost, it may be that our soul will go away with that step in view of so much pain, but it is the only way to close that stage of our lives.
  • Self-love and dignity are the true nutrients of the heart. Those that allow us to always act with maturity even in the most complicated moments.
  • Without self-esteem we could continue to maintain a toxic relationship just for fear of being alone. Also for fear of leaving a person we love and, even if it makes us unhappy, we prefer it, because we are more afraid of being left without that other half that completes us.

    We must not fall into this type of situation. Self-love is what gives us that personal courage capable of leaving something when it no longer has a future, when it no longer supports itself and what it brings us are more tears than joys. Do not forget: you will never be selfish to remind you every day of “I love myself and I deserve to be happy.” 

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