Gout, 12 Natural Remedies To Combat It

If you suffer from gout, these natural remedies can help you relieve pain

Gout, as this ailment is popularly known, is a type of arthritis that causes a lot of pain in the joints, especially in the feet, to the point that the person who suffers from it cannot walk or do different tasks.

Discover in the following article which are the best natural remedies to combat gout.

Gout characteristics

The dropIn addition to immobilizing the feet, fingers, and ankles, gout tends to strike at night with swelling, redness, and shooting pain, especially in the big toe. Some people have gout in the knees, ankles, and other joints.

The attacks can last only a day or even weeks and even months, if nothing is done to control the situation.

The main cause of gout is an excessive production of uric acid in the blood. In order to reduce these levels, it is necessary to drink a good amount of water a day (with other benefits as well). In addition, you can try the home remedies that we recommend to alleviate the discomfort of this painful disease.

Natural remedies for gout

Let’s now see the recipes of natural remedies for gout. Remember that if you suffer from this disease you should see a doctor for treatment. You can ask him his opinion on the effectiveness of these recommendations.

1. Lemon juice

This fruit (and more precisely its juice) has different natural compounds with the ability to help reduce uric acid in the blood and relieve swelling. This is due to its contribution of citric acid.

Not only does lemon have these properties, but also other citrus fruits such as:

  • The Orange.
  • Grapefruit.
  • Tangerine.

If its flavor is very strong, dissolve the juice in a glass of water. Drink it three times a week, on an empty stomach.

2. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar 3

Apple cider vinegar is one of the great allies for our health due to its many properties.

Among them, it has the ability to balance the pH of our body, so that it is more alkaline and less acidic.

While no research has been done to prove the effectiveness of vinegar, many gout patients have tried it with excellent results.

Mix it in your meals (such as salads) or dilute a tablespoon in a glass of water, drink on an empty stomach daily.

3. Baking soda

There are many uses and applications of bicarbonate, so it is not surprising that it is one of the home remedies for gout. Allows to alkalize the blood and reduce acidity.

Dissolve a tablespoon in a glass of water and drink every day. This recipe is not recommended for those with high blood pressure.

4. Pineapple

Pineapple or pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain, which is anti-inflammatory. You can consume it alone or in fruit salad, smoothies and juices as many times as you want, since it has no cons-indications.

5. Grape

Grapes offer a large amount of antioxidants, so it can help prevent gout. It is also useful for pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis. Eat several grapes a day and as many times a week as you like.

6. Ginger

The ginger root has many uses and is one of the home remedies most used in natural and ancient medicine. It is used, in most cases, to:

  • Fight gout
  • Increase body temperature
  • Reduce fat
  • Improve the immune system

Prepare an infusion with half a teaspoon of grated or powdered ginger per cup of water. Sweeten with honey and if you want add a little lemon juice. Drink one cup per day.

7. Banana

The banana or banana contains a lot of potassium and vitamin C, which is why it is perfect to prevent certain diseases or problems. In the case of gout, this fruit helps to dilute the uric acid crystals that accumulate in the blood and cause so much pain.

8. Cherry


Another great source of vitamin C that will help reduce uric acid levels in the blood. Following a balanced diet, 20 raw cherries per day can work wonders and noticeably reduce gout symptoms. You can also drink cherry juice made by yourself.

9. Cold water

In order to alleviate the swelling and redness of the feet, you can apply cold water in the form of a compress. Soak a cloth or cloth and apply slight pressure. Using ice cubes is not advised because they can burn the skin.

10. Juniper oil

Juniper essential oil (available in health food stores and health food stores) has many properties. Some of them are: antirheumatic, antiseptic, carminative, purifying, diuretic and astringent. Pour a few drops on the foot and do a circular massage. You will notice relief instantly.

11. Epson salts

Fill the tub with warm to hot water and sprinkle in two cups of Epson Salts, let them dissolve well and insert your feet (or your entire body for a relaxing effect). Let the water cool down for at least 20 minutes before going out. Repeat up to three times a week or when the fingers are very swollen.

12. Mustard

The same one that you use for different dishes in your food can help you reduce the pain caused by gout. The ingredients that make up mustard (the more natural and homemade the better), have positive effects on the nerves. Dab some on the affected area and let the skin absorb. Do it at night, covering with gauze.

Remember that this article is only informative. If you suffer or think you have gout, you should see a doctor for a diagnosis and treatment.

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