How To Remove Corns Naturally

Currently, there are several alternatives to remove corns. In fact, there are cosmetic products and various techniques that greatly reduce them. However, there are those who bet on some natural remedies that provide interesting effects. Are you interested in knowing them?

According to information from the American Academy of Dermatology, corns are hard, thickened areas of the skin that are formed by constant friction against shoes or other elements. Although they are common on the feet, they also form on the hands and fingertips.

This same entity highlights that, for the most part, they gradually disappear when the cause is stopped. However, if it persists or becomes painful, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist or podiatrist.  Milder cases can be improved with some natural preparations.

Natural remedies to remove corns

Many of the natural remedies to remove corns come from popular culture and lack scientific backing. However, being mild and for topical use, its application is usually safe. Thus, given the lack of evidence, they are likely to be ineffective in some cases. Anyway, if you decide to try them, we leave you some options.

1. Aspirin and lemon

Aspirin and lemon

When we combine both ingredients, a paste is formed that softens the corn and then it is easier to remove it with the help of a pumice stone. In fact, a review published in Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology recognizes that salicylic acid (the active ingredient in aspirin) is a safe and effective exfoliating agent for various dermatological and cosmetic issues.


  • 7 aspirins.
  • The juice of 1 lemon.


  • In a mortar, crush the aspirin until it becomes a powder.
  • Squeeze the lemon and add while stirring well.
  • You can add a little water if necessary (to form a homogeneous paste).
  • Apply a good amount of this home remedy on the clean and dry corn.
  • Wrap with a plastic bag and leave for 20 minutes.
  • Remove with hot water and then rub gently with a pumice stone.

2. Onion

There are no studies to support the efficacy of onion as a remedy against corns. However, in the popular sphere it is applied, since it is considered to be effective. This would be because its sulfur compounds are believed to help remove dead skin and soften hard skin, thus facilitating its removal.

You only need an onion cut in half.

  • Rub each part over the callus and cover with socks.
  • The next day, rinse well.
  • Repeat every night for at least a week.
  • If you have sensitive skin, use this remedy with great caution so that it does not cause irritation.

3. Chamomile tea

As chamomile tea has proven anti-inflammatory properties, it is considered that it can be helpful in softening corns and facilitating their removal. To take advantage of it, all we have to do is prepare a chamomile tea (it is available in sachets or in strands) and, once it is at room temperature, pour it into a container where we can dip our feet.

Note : Instead of tea, you could also use chamomile oil. 

4. Pumice stone

If you are prone to callus formation on your feet, we recommend that you always have a pumice stone on hand that you can buy in various stores. In fact, it is one of the options recommended by the Mayo Clinic to combat this problem.

It is a special type of file that is used to get rid of hardness and can be used wet and dry.

  • Before applying the pumice stone, wash the area well with mild soap.
  • Exfoliation movements should be circular and gentle so as not to damage healthy skin.
  • A good idea is to have the pumice stone in the bathroom and use it when we take a shower.

5. Garlic juice

White garlic heads and cloves

Garlic is another natural element that has been used in popular culture to remove corns. In this case, we combine it with olive oil to obtain a moisturizing product.


  • 1 clove garlic
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil (32 g)


  • Cut the garlic in half and mash it.
  • Add the olive oil and stir to form a paste.
  • Apply on the callus and wrap with a cloth or plastic.
  • Put on a sock and leave it on overnight.
  • In the morning rinse well with lukewarm water.
  • Repeat daily for a week.

6. Tomato

There are many properties of this fruit to improve the health of the skin. Topically, it helps hydrate dry skin and helps reduce calluses.

  • We only need a tomato, which we will have to chop and crush to form a paste.
  • We will apply it on the callus and bandage the area with a cloth.
  • We will leave it to act overnight and rinse well in the morning.
  • It is recommended to repeat the treatment for a week.

Have you already been to the podiatrist?

Corns are a benign but unsightly problem that we can treat with natural remedies. However, such preparations have no scientific support and may be ineffective. Anyway, being safe, it doesn’t hurt to try them.

For more effective ways to eliminate this problem, consult your dermatologist or podiatrist. Without a doubt, you will find many other alternatives.

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