Prepare Your Own Liquid Soap And Antibacterial Hand Gel At Home

Antibacterial soap has the ability to eliminate to the maximum those microorganisms present anywhere and that can cause different diseases by simple contact with our hands.

Currently on the market there are different types of antibacterial soaps and gels, which can be very effective in keeping away viruses and bacteria that can affect our health. However, if you are one of those who prefer low-cost ecological alternatives that are easy to make at home, do not miss the following ways to prepare your own homemade soap and antibacterial gel.

Antibacterial liquid soap 1

In addition to being a very economical and environmentally friendly alternative, this antibacterial soap allows us to recycle soap residues that we almost always throw away. In this way you will not want to lose those remains that you previously thought were useless, Take note!


  • One liter of distilled water.
  • A cup of leftover toilet soap.
  • 10 ml of pure glycerin (one tablespoon).
  • Fragrance and coloring (optional).

What should you do?

Pour the water into a suitable container and then add the grated soap residue to it. Later, bring them to a boil in a double boiler, stirring constantly so that they are completely diluted. When they are well diluted, remove it from the heat and add the glycerin, fragrance and food coloring. Finally, mix everything, let it cool and store it in a bottle in a cool place.

Antibacterial liquid soap 2

It is a homemade liquid soap that combines the antibiotic and antibacterial properties of several natural ingredients to make a good ally to eliminate viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms that accumulate on the hands due to their constant contact with different surfaces.


  • 1 liter of water.
  • 25 g of caustic soda.
  • 125 ml of olive oil.
  • 1 pinch of salt.

What should you do?

Add the water to an appropriate bottle to store your soap. Then add the caustic soda and stir so that it dissolves completely. Next, add the olive oil and salt, close the bottle and shake it so that everything is fully integrated. Keep the bottle in a cool place for daily use.

Homemade antibacterial gel 1

Being m uy economical, easy to prepare and with an antiseptic effect home this gel will help remove bacteria and germs from your hands when you can not wash them with soap and water.


  • 70 ml of ethyl alcohol (72% ethanol).
  • 20 ml of witch hazel.
  • ΒΌ teaspoon of glycerin.
  • Essential oils with antibacterial qualities, such as lavender, rosemary, eucalyptus, lemon, cloves and tea tree (Choose one or two and use 20 drops).

What should you do?

Combine all the ingredients and store the gel in a container with a lid. Then, shake them well until a homogeneous mixture is achieved and store it, preferably, in a dark and cool place (You can carry it in your handbag).

Before use, give it a little shake, then apply a generous amount to your hands, rubbing for 30 seconds.

Homemade antibacterial gel 2


This homemade antibacterial gel uses completely natural ingredients that you can easily find in herbal stores, as well as in pharmacies. It is very economical, healthy and its antibacterial, antimicrobial and antiviral properties could help to quickly eliminate all the viruses, bacteria and germs that can affect your health.


  • 10 tablespoons of aloe vera extract (50 g).
  • 15 drops of lavender essential oil.
  • 20 drops of tea tree oil.
  • 8 drops of eucalyptus essential oil.

See also: How to make homemade aloe vera gel and what are its applications

How to prepare it?

Extract the aloe vera pulp and place it in an airtight container. Add the essential oils, one by one, and mix all the ingredients well until you get a more or less liquid consistency. Reserve the gel in a container and apply it to your hands with gentle massages whenever you consider it necessary.

Finally, a good idea is to always carry a small portion of your homemade antibacterial gel to use in those moments when you cannot wash your hands with soap and water. 

As you can see, it is very easy to prepare your own homemade antibacterial liquid soaps and gels. Choose the option that you like the most and take advantage of all its benefits.

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