5 Affirmations That Will Help You Forgive Yourself

In general, one is used to hearing about the need to forgive. It is said that forgiving those who hurt you allows you to set yourself free. But … How many times have you heard of the need to forgive yourself?

Although forgiving yourself is just as important as forgiving others, you often do little. Have you ever analyzed the amount of things you recriminate yourself? How many times have you blamed yourself for circumstances or problems?

5 Affirmations that will help you forgive yourself

The damage that one does to oneself is usually greater than that caused by others . So this time we want to help you free yourself from it. 

Of course, forgiving you will not be easy, or something that you will achieve overnight. It is a process that you may not know how to handle; That is why the best thing in these cases is to go to a specialist to guide you to achieve it.

Along these lines, the following statements can help you. Since they are scientifically based on the conclusions of the renowned “father of happiness”: Dr. Frederic Luskin, expert in clinical and positive psychology, and director of “Forgiveness Projects” at Stanford University. 

1. I release myself from the heavy burden of doubt, shame, and guilt

Guilt, shame and doubt are the main causes of the problems that one faces; as well explained by a study carried out at the University of Antioquia. Therefore, forgive yourself for the actions or words that lead you to feel shame , guilt or doubt it is vital to be able to advance.

Orange flowers in a lavender field.

However, in addition to saying this phrase, you must face those emotions . This is exactly the difficult part and from which one usually runs away. Stopping to analyze the situations that cause these emotions forces you to recognize your own weaknesses.

But going through that process honestly teaches you more about yourself and makes you impervious to future similar situations. You may even discover that what made you feel ashamed, guilty, or doubtful, is actually something of no consequence.

2. I let go of the past to live the future fully

Sometimes the plans and goals you have are stifled by the past. Those things and people that hurt you can stop you from getting where you want to go if you don’t let them go.

There are times when one gets caught up in deficiencies or circumstances that depended on others. For example, there are those who do not forgive themselves for not being the right person for someone who they loved . But you cannot be perfect, and that the other has not found in you what he was looking for does not make you worse.

Forgiving yourself means stopping thinking about what you missed . It is often believed that you can only forgive yourself for what was done wrong, but this is not the case.

3. I am able to move forward despite my mistakes, one of the keys to forgiving you

For cultural reasons related to honor, professors at the University of Malaga consider that society teaches to avoid mistakes and mistakes. So when you feel like you’ve done something wrong, you focus too much on it. You can even spend months or years analyzing what went wrong and why.

Forgiving yourself for those mistakes is vital to your progress. You must not forget that each person makes mistakes every day, and that is fine . Because mistakes are the true teachers of life.

Woman stroking lavender flowers.

Think that, if everything went right for you the first time, in a short time you would be left without learning or talking about the experiences and teachings that each mistake leaves you. It is true that there are mistakes that cost dearly, but they also have something valuable to teach you.

From now on, view every mistake as knowledge to acquire. Forgive yourself when you consider it and move on to the next point in life.

4. I appreciate the good things that life brings me

If we ask you at this point to make a list of the people and things that make your life better, chances are you’ll find more than you bargained for. By doing this, you are committing to focus on the positive. If it sounds like a difficult thing to do, you’ve probably been looking at the situation from the wrong angle for too long.

Forgiving yourself involves learning to see and accept that you are not alone . Therefore, c hen you forgive yourself for those things that you think are your fault, seeing the good is not so difficult anymore. 

5. I accept that I did what was possible with what was available to me.

On some occasions, you have to take shape decisions fast. Later, when you see the whole situation or when you receive other information, you discover that you have been wrong.

Depending on the action, you may feel guilty. However, It is better to change the feeling of guilt for taking responsibility if you acted with a minimum of information.

When you take responsibility, you can forgive yourself and act to remedy the situation. If you just focus on remembering or blaming yourself for mistakes, you won’t change anything. Remember that it is better to be proactive than to live in constant complaint.

The only one who is able to forgive you is in front of the mirror

It is common to meet people who cannot move forward in their life because they are still waiting for forgiveness. Is it your case? How long have you been waiting to be forgiven? Is it really possible? The truth is that there are situations in which the only one who can free you from that burden is yourself

Woman holding a mirror in a lavender field.

You may find yourself in a situation where the other person is far away, unwilling to forgive, or even no longer on this plane. So p Think that you cannot continue your life fully if you do not move forward today.

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