Why Are Omega-3 Acids So Important?

Fats are necessary in our diet and body, but not all are the same or provide us with the same. There is a type called omega-3 or essential acids, this name is due to the fact that our body is not capable of producing them and they can only be reached through diet.

Omega-3 fatty acids are part of the essential fatty acids and have a very important and beneficial role. Find out in this article.

Properties of essential fatty acids

To begin with, they are essential for the correct development of the nervous and ocular system of the fetus ; Furthermore, it seems that according to various studies it plays a fundamental role in children’s cognitive development.

Due to this, a correct supply of omega-3 fatty acids is essential during pregnancy, lactation and early childhood. Proof of this is that they are present in breast milk.

Omega-3 acids are famous for their protective role against the development of cardiovascular diseases, acting for it at different levels.

According to various studies, its optimal consumption helps lower triglyceride levels and increase HDL cholesterol (“good cholesterol”). In addition, it has a vasodilator effect, which reduces the risk of thrombosis and, therefore, cardiovascular accidents.

   Also read: Diet model to lower triglycerides

At the level of the circulatory system, it also increases the elasticity of the walls of the arteries, preventing hypertension, as shown by some research.

Pumpkin seeds contain omega-3 acids

Main omega-3 fatty acids

The main omega-3 fatty acids are:

  • ALA : alpha-linolenic acid, present in vegetable oils, mainly.
  • EPA : eicosapentaenoic acid, present in fish and shellfish.
  • DHA : docosahexaenoic acid, also present in fish and shellfish.

Our body is unable to synthesize ALA, so we have to acquire it through our diet; that is why it is called an essential fatty acid. However, our body transforms part of this ALA into EPA and then into DHA, although it does so in very small amounts.

Foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids

The main source of omega-3 fatty acids is oily fish, among which are:

  • The salmon.
  • The sardine.
  • The tuna.
  • Mackerel.
  • Trout.
  • And also seafood should be highlighted.

The importance of essential fatty acids was discovered thanks to a study that determined that the incidence of heart attacks and other cardiovascular diseases was lower in Eskimos than in other groups, with oily fish being the basis of their diet.

In the plant world, walnuts have a considerable amount of omega-3 fatty acids, as well as pumpkin seeds, flax, hemp, among others, and the oils of sunflower, corn, evening primrose, etc.

If the consumption of oily fish two or three times a week is incorporated into our diet, our needs for omega-3 fatty acids are covered.

   Also read: Eating oily fish can prevent breast cancer

If, on the other hand, we do not like fish or eat very little, we must look for other sources, especially if we are in the stages in which we have said that they are most necessary (pregnancy, lactation, childhood).

Currently, many commercialized foods such as milk, cheeses, margarines, etc., have omega-3 fatty acid supplements in their composition.

As you can see, you have many options to incorporate omega-3 fatty acids into your diet. Therefore, do not hesitate to start including them in your daily life. You will see all the benefits they bring you.

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