Garments And Styles That Should Not Be Missing In Your Closet

Clothing is one of the elements that is most closely linked to human beings, since it is part of their appearance. As a result, there is more and more care, attention and expectation when choosing clothing. Do you know what are the clothes and styles that you should never miss? Find out in this article!

The outfits have accompanied people almost from the beginning of their existence, since they were devised from the beginning with animal skins and arose to meet the need to protect themselves against climatic situations. However, over time they have also been used as a means of expression to demonstrate personality, convey ideas and configure an identity.

In society there are different contexts and events; Due to this, it is essential to have clothes and styles to dress in the most appropriate way according to the situation that arises. This does not imply that people should have an extensive amount of clothes and go shopping frequently, but it is important to manage a correct closet.

Why is it important to consider the clothes in our closet?

The world is very changeable and diverse; This is how the human being lives with different factors that do not allow him to always handle a single style or type of garment. That is why it is important to analyze everything that should be in the closet to always be ready, feel comfortable and not be left out.

The climate is one of those main factors to take into account when organizing the closet, since the person always adapts the clothing according to the environment that is being presented to be able to leave calmly, protected and not go through difficulties. Climatic conditions are changeable and a well-built wardrobe has to have the necessary variations.

Another of the scenarios that is essential to take into account is work. People have to consider that they have the right clothes and styles to have a neat presentation and according to what their company demands.

On the other hand, there are multiple activities to do in free time, such as resting, playing sports, going to a shopping center, a party or an elegant meeting. In the closet it is important to have clothes that allow you to carry out these actions without being self-conscious.

Man in suit for work.

12 clothes and styles that should not be missing in your closet

In the closets it is important to have clothes that can be used on different occasions, combine easily, solve specific needs and make people feel good. Here are the clothes that should be found in a well-tailored closet.

1. Jeans

The jeans or jeans are a piece of versatile clothing that combines with any other type of garment and can be used without problems at different times, like going out to buy something to eat at a casual meeting and even attend some scenarios work so allow it.

The jeans combined with any color, are always fashionable and market are different types (straight, wide, dark, light). In addition, they can be used satisfactorily in cold and temperate climates.

2. Black and white shirt

In the cabinets you must have yes or yes those two colors because they combine with everything. A white or black shirt can be worn with jeans , denim pants, serious pants, and even skirts for women. They are an option that fits for any day, activity, situation and way of dressing.

3. Simple jackets

With it you can dress in a sporty, youthful and casual way, as it can be used with all kinds of pants, t-shirt or shirt. In addition, it is not uncomfortable in temperate climates and it is important to have one for when the cold appears.

The materials of this type of jackets can be diverse: padded, leather, cotton, suede.

4. Sweatshirt

It is important to have one to play sports, train, go to parks or gyms. In addition, it is a practical garment to go for a walk on weekends and to wear around the house on those days off.

5. Blazer

You must have a blazer for those situations in which you need to be elegant or formal, such as attending work meetings. In addition, it can also be used in a casual look with jean in case you want to go to a good restaurant or have a date.

6. Full dress

There are jobs in which it is a requirement to wear a suit every day and no one is oblivious to being presented with that opportunity in a new work space. In addition, for both men and women it is important to have at least one dress to attend elegant invitations such as weddings and special parties.

7. Shorts , shorts or bermudas

Essential to dress comfortable on summer days. In addition, they can also be used to be loose and comfortable around the house.

8. Skirts

It is a must in a woman’s closet. You can go to her to dress formal and go to work, dress casual or go to a party.

It is a garment that combines with simple t-shirts, elegant shirts and multiple types of jackets. So it is a relief to choose whatever outfit you want to achieve.

9. Sports shoes and sneakers

They accompany the casual looks that go with jean , give a youthful touch when combined with a formal suit and are essential to go running or play any sport.

10. Formal shoes

They preserve the elegance that you want to convey with the suits. They are necessary when you want to look totally elegant.

11. Basic T-shirts

They can be used in all types of weather, they look good with any type of pants or shorts and, depending on the other selected garments, sports or more elaborate styles can be formed.

12. Serious pants

They can be made of denim or material. They are ideally used to be comfortable at work or convey a sober image.

Some tips to combine and choose your clothes and styles

Knowing how to choose clothes, colors, designs, combinations and styles is essential to look good and convey what you are looking for. Here are some clarities to keep in mind.

Clothes and styles in the closet.

Use of neutral colors

White, black, and gray tend to match all the other colors . Even between them they combine very well. However, it is not advisable to use black with tones that are also very dark, since it tends to be very opaque.

In the same way, white is not highly recommended to use with pastel colors, since the intention is to look for a more vivid color that stands out.

Do not combine printed clothing

It is advisable to use a single stamp to avoid an overloaded image. Therefore, it is recommended to alternate it with a smooth and soft garment that helps to enhance attention.

Do not combine garments with lines and pictures

It is not well seen that a plaid shirt meets trousers with lines because they do not converge or transmit harmony. The combination can transmit disorder.

The art of combining clothes and looking stylish

Some final recommendations that can be taken into account when managing a good wardrobe are that shoes always have to be combined with a belt and that dark colors tend to convey a more formal image. On the contrary, black and white colors are never too much and are consistent with any situation.

Formal and casual clothes can be combined to look youthful. Using bright colors in the items that you want to highlight the most and the subdued ones in which you want less is an efficient strategy to attract attention while being sober at the same time.

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