The Most Common Mistakes In Weight Loss Diets

Maintaining a diet to lose weight over time is not always an easy task. Many people start a diet expecting to see short-term results, but are discouraged and quit.

Some factors, such as the lack of information about some foods or the effect that some habits have on the body, can lead us to diet incorrectly. So that weight loss diets do not end in frustration, there are some mistakes that are frequently made, and that can be avoided.

Skipping meals

Dieting is not the same as skipping meals. On the contrary, it is about avoiding arriving with an excess of appetite at each food intake. If the metabolism works in a more continuous way, with more repeated feedings, we will burn more fat.

In any case, it is true that intermittent fasting has shown benefits when it comes to losing weight, although these must be correctly planned to be positive. If you exceed 24 hours in fasting, you would experience a catabolism of lean mass, which is not recommended.

Diets to lose weight: beware of “light” products

Natural drink to lose weight and eliminate toxins

Ecological, light products   and green packages, with a very healthy appearance, are in fashion. However, in many cases it is misleading advertising.

Sometimes we tend to eat more food when we think it is healthy. You have to be well informed about these products before abusing their consumption.

Alcohol and salt

They are two major obstacles to effective weight loss diets. Taking an excess of salt causes fluid retention and also hypertension.

It is also not a good idea to abuse alcohol, even if only on the weekend, if you are on a weight loss diet. There is evidence that this poison is very harmful to health.

Not drinking enough fluids

Not drinking enough fluids

To successfully do weight loss diets you have to hydrate properly. In addition, you have to drink between two and two and a half liters of water or drinks without gas or calories.

Besides water, other excellent products when dieting are vegetable broths, juices and herbal teas.

The rush to eat

The proper way to eat so as not to take more food than necessary is sitting down, without doing another activity at the same time. We will take small bites, chewing correctly and with a good glass of water next to it.

Anyway, think that the timing of meals influences weight loss. According to research published in Nutrients , advancing the time for lunch and dinner is positive for stimulating the oxidation of fats.

No breakfast

Breakfast is an essential meal for the metabolism to start working properly. It is the beginning of the day and we need to reinforce our energy intake.

If we skip breakfast, the body will use up its energy reserves. Another consequence is that what we take later we will not assimilate correctly, and it can turn into fat.

Not getting enough sleep

A good rest is essential for the proper functioning of the metabolism. Some experts say that you can lose weight while sleeping, if you get adequate rest.

Sleeping poorly will cause a complementary effort for our body, which will also demand more food to make up for the lack of energy.

 Do not exercise

It helps you lose weight

Dieting always has to be  accompanied by moderate and constant exercise. Half an hour of walking a day can be a good way to combat a sedentary lifestyle and burn excess fat from the body.

Following the diet of an acquaintance

The diet must be personalized. Wanting to follow the example of a magazine, a famous person or someone you know who has lost a lot of weight can be frustrating.

Just because it worked for one person doesn’t mean it works for everyone. A specialist must take into account the lifestyle, schedules and needs of each.

Weigh yourself daily

Losing weight is not only about weighing less, but also about losing fat. Weighing yourself daily can only lead to an obsession with the scale.

Do not take any hydrates

Giving up all the nutrients we need is not a good option. In addition, it must be considered that almost no food is pure, all are made up of hydrates, proteins, fats … It is advisable to choose carbohydrates with a low glycemic level, as is the case with whole grains and vegetables.

In the case of bread, specialists affirm that bread, in itself, is not fattening. There are no foods that are good or bad, just inappropriate dietary patterns.

Not indulging once in a while

We have to be realist. A diet in which no fad is allowed will not be successful. The true purpose of a regime is that it is feasible, that it is fulfilled by whoever carries it out.

In addition, diets are planned so that the person can continue with their professional and social life. If someone has a work dinner in a place where they will not be able to follow the diet, it is certain that they will abandon it that night.

Don’t make these mistakes to lose weight

If you want to plan a diet with the aim of losing weight, pay attention to these common mistakes that we just mentioned. If you avoid them you will get a much more efficient result.

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