11 Recommended Things To Eat While Breastfeeding

Taking care of your diet during pregnancy and during breastfeeding is essential to provide your baby with the vitamins and nutrients he needs. Specialists recommend maintaining breastfeeding especially during the first six months.

The problem is that for some women this pleasant task could cause breast obstructions or sore nipples. It is prudent to seek advice to avoid or minimize these risks and, likewise, to receive instructions on a rich and balanced diet that increases the quality and benefits of breastfeeding.

It is also recommended that the diet during this period helps you regain or maintain the levels of vitamin D, fiber or other nutrients that can decrease when you breastfeed.

Recommended things to eat while breastfeeding

Many mothers worry that the milk will not rise enough to satisfy their child. For this there are foods that help the production of breast milk. Here are some of them.

1. Beets and carrots

These vegetables are a source of beta-carotene and healthy carbohydrates that promote increased potassium. Likewise, beets and carrots promote milk production and are beneficial for the development of your child.

Although many ignore it, beta-carotene is a normal component in breast milk. Therefore, consuming supplements that contain it can increase its concentration during breastfeeding.

Also, both vegetables increase the energy level in the mother and decrease her tendency to fatigue. In general, its nutrients are ideal for promoting physical and mental well-being.

2. Oats

It is an ideal breakfast, as it provides significant amounts of iron. Helps lower cholesterol and promotes the production of breast milk. It can be accompanied with yogurt or milk.

3. Nuts

It is recommended to eat dried fruits during lactation due to their high content of antioxidants and nutrients, which make them the ideal complement. In addition, they serve to provide a feeling of satiety, so you will not have to succumb to the anxiety of eating and you will be able to maintain your ideal weight.

4. Ginger

The infusion of this root  provides us with relaxing effects. Likewise, ginger can also be used grated in countless recipes that will please your palate.

5. Cinnamon

This spice has been used for decades. You can add a teaspoon (5 g) in a glass of milk (200 ml) and sweeten with a little honey. Your results will not wait.

6. Cumin

Cumin seeds also improve the digestion of mother and child. They help with constipation and provide special relief from heartburn. They are also favorable for alleviating the effects of abdominal distention.

7. Fennel

Another plant that helps the correct digestion of the mother and the little one. It acts as a stomach protector to prevent colic in the baby.

8. Eggs

If they have not been contraindicated by the doctor, the intake of three or four eggs a week provides us with high quality protein. It is the ideal complement for a balanced diet.

9. Meats

Preferably, it is recommended to eat lean meats while breastfeeding. Thus, the consumption of animal protein is guaranteed without the harmful effects of the fat that any of these may contain.

10. Dairy

Dairy products are essential for the child’s bone mineralization. For this reason, it is appropriate to eat four servings of dairy products per day. Preferably, it is recommended to opt for low-fat ones.

11. Fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables should be present in a woman’s diet before pregnancy. However, it is never too late to start or increase your consumption of these. These foods provide a series of vitamins, nutrients and fiber that the woman and her baby require at the time of breastfeeding.

Although the most beneficial foods for increasing milk production and those that provide a wide variety of nutrients are outlined here, others should not be ruled out. This is the case of foods of plant origin such as cereals, preferably whole grains, and legumes that, with their protein content and low levels of fat, are part of a healthy and balanced diet.

When you breastfeed, you tend to feel very hungry, as your body works to produce quality milk that will feed your baby. It is recommended to eat smaller amounts but more frequently during breastfeeding. This will help calm hunger pangs and maintain proper energy levels.

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