8 Factors That Turn Teeth Yellow

The acids in cola drinks can erode enamel. If we also consume them cold, they can cause contractions in the gums and favor the appearance of spots

Do you envy the girl from the toothpaste ad? Are you embarrassed to laugh in public? In all the photos you come out with your mouth closed?

If yellow teeth are a problem for you, we recommend that you read this article to find out the main causes.

Why do I have yellow teeth?

First of all, you need to understand that the point of comparison is never toothpaste ads, because they exaggerate how white your teeth should be. Nor do you have to look at celebrities because they use expensive treatments to look that way.

Stains and yellowing of teeth can develop both on the outside and inside. The former are more visible, but it does not mean that they are more frequent than the latter.

Remember that to maintain good dental health it is advisable to go to the dentist at least twice a year. It is the best way to detect any problem in time.

The reasons why teeth turn yellow are:

1. Poor dental hygiene

Not brushing your teeth at least twice a day or not flossing daily builds up plaque on the line between your gums and teeth. In a short time the plaque hardens and turns into tartar.

That yellow substance that is only extracted at the dentist traps food particles that increase staining.

2. Cigarette

Woman smoking a cigarette

People who smoke have darker teeth than those who do not have this vice. The culprits are nicotine and tar, two of the essential components of cigarettes. Quitting smoking will not only help make your mouth more beautiful, but it will also bring several more benefits to your health.

3. Genetics

It is not a question now of blaming the parents or grandparents for having yellow teeth, since they surely suffer from it too. Those who have less enamel on their teeth due to genetic issues are more likely to stain at a young age.

There are also other gene defects that affect enamel development. This is the case of imperfect dentinogenesis, where the layer is very superficial and is easily damaged. Red-haired people tend to have yellow teeth as they have less ectoderm (the layer that builds enamel).

4. Age

Older woman with yellow teeth

The passage of time and aging cause the teeth to stain. That is why the color white is associated with youth. As we get older, the layer that protects the pieces tightens and wears out.

The edges of the teeth in adults are more translucent, grayer or more yellow.

5. Dental restorations

If you have had fillings in your teeth, you will surely have noticed that they turn yellow over the years. This is because the resin used for this procedure is more vulnerable to staining. It is advisable to change them after 5 or 10 years.

Silver amalgams can in turn cause gray areas on teeth, and especially on molars when repairing cavities.

6. Medications

Woman taking a medicine

If taken before 8 years of age, antibiotics such as tetracycline and doxycycline discolor the teeth as they are still developing. In the case of adults, the medications that can stain teeth are:

  • Antidepressants
  • Antihistamines
  • Blood pressure regulators

7. Exposure to fluoride

This occurs when the water you drink contains it in large quantities. It can also be due to components in toothpastes and oral rinses. Fluoride stains are often difficult to remove without professional teeth whitening.

8. Diseases

Certain infections cause enamel problems and tooth discoloration. On the other hand, some treatments such as radiotherapy and chemotherapy increase the risk of yellow teeth, since they produce a greater amount of saliva and plaque.

Drinks that cause yellow teeth

Eating habits are one of the fundamental factors for having white or stained teeth. The tooth enamel wears away and the dentin (darker in color) begins to show.

Drinks that can cause yellow teeth are:

1. Coffee

Cup of coffee

It is drunk all the time in offices and homes, regardless of the time of year, and is one of the biggest reasons why adults have stains on their teeth. The outer layer is very porous and can easily absorb the hue of dark drinks. Try to consume it with milk or cream.

2. Black tea

Although many believe that it is healthier than coffee, in matters related to the teeth it is not the case. Tea has substances called tannins that can stain teeth.

Avoid drinking it alone and prefer to cut it with milk. Feel free to choose green tea and white tea.

3. Red wine

Another one of the dark drinks that stains the teeth. It is believed that wine may have beneficial effects on the heart and brain, some research indicates, but it is not entirely beneficial for oral beauty.

Look in the mirror after a glass of red wine and you will notice its effects. You can try a white or pink one to reduce blemishes.

4. Soft drinks

Two women having soft drinks

Of course they could not be missing from this list. Cola drinks are not good for your health in general and neither for the aesthetics of your teeth.

In addition to their dark tone, they cause contractions in the gums and teeth when they are too cold. This causes increased porosity and prone to staining.

In turn, soft drinks contain citric and phosphoric acids that erode enamel. Not counting the sweeteners and sugars included in the recipe, which cause cavities, among other oral problems.

In short, if you want your teeth not to show stains, try to avoid the habits that cause them as much as possible. And remember, go to the dentist frequently.

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