Considerations For Using Panty Liners

Panty liners are intended to keep underwear free of fluids, moisture, and odors. Therefore, in general terms, it can be said that its objective is to provide a greater sense of cleanliness and protection.

There are many brands that have launched panty liners in various shapes (to suit different styles of underwear) and characteristics. Winged, wingless, standard absorption, and so on. Let’s see more below.

About the use of panty liners

Doubts about panty liners should be clarified with the gynecologist.

Panty liners themselves do not cause infections. Only when they are misused do problems appear.

Gynecologists explain that when the protector is not changed frequently, the temperature of the vaginal area increases (which leads to the alteration of the pH) and the humidity, which causes the area to be exposed to contracting infections.

If a woman wants to use panty liners, she must bear in mind that it is necessary to change at least 3 times a day to avoid the accumulation of humidity and bad odors. Likewise, it is recommended to wash with soap and water (suitable for intimate hygiene) when making the change.

Panty liners help keep underwear clean and, if used properly, reduce the risk of vaginal infections.

To consider

Are you thinking of using these protectors? Here are some basic tips about its common use:

  • At the time of purchase, it is necessary to check the labels well and make sure that the protectors are made with materials that allow perspiration; those made of cotton are the most recommended. 
  • It is preferable to choose protectors that are free of plastic and chlorine, that are fragrance-free, and that are hypoallergenic and biodegradable.
  • Proper hand washing before and after going to the bathroom and when handling sanitary napkins is also very important when it comes to preventing infections.

    Other recommendations

    Not all soaps can be used in conjunction with panty liners.

    • The intimate area should not be washed with toilet soaps, as they can alter the pH of the vagina, neutral soaps or those sold for this area are the most suitable for hygiene and protection.
      • The best soaps are those with an acid pH because they keep the area clean and protected.
    • Always prefer underwear made of cotton and avoid synthetic fabrics, as they hinder perspiration.
    • Avoid using very tight clothing items (from underwear to pants), because they cause an increase in temperature and humidity in the vaginal area, thus creating the ideal environment for an infection to occur.
    • Sleep in loose clothing and, as much as possible, avoid sleeping in underwear. 
    • Do not use intimate deodorants, fragrances only disguise odors and can cause irritation.

      Signs that panty liners are being used improperly

      When panty liners are used improperly, the following situations may occur:

      • Changes in the color, smell, consistency, etc., of the vaginal discharge.
      • Changes in the amount of vaginal discharge.
      • Pain and burning when urinating.
      • Discomfort and pain when having sex.

      Panty liners can bring benefits, but you have to know how to use them

      Good use of panty liners can help maintain vaginal health. Therefore, it is essential to take into account the measures mentioned above and, when in doubt, always consult with the gynecologist.

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