Diet And Supplements For The Change Of Season

Each change of season affects our body in a particular way, so we must pay special attention to help it better cope with changes in climate, pressure and environment.

Many people notice that during the change of season, especially in autumn and spring, some diseases are aggravated, allergies appear, hair falls out, skin dries, etc.

That is why it is especially important that we take care of our diet and that we value taking a natural supplement.

Chinese medicine and the change of season

Chinese medicine contemplates a whole specialty in the alterations that the body experiences during the changes of season and how the climate and the environment affect health.

To help the body adapt to this variable, it has adopted a series of recommendations for the different seasons.

Remember that, if you have any nutritional questions, you should ask your doctor. If you follow their recommendations, no station can cause you any kind of discomfort.


In autumn it is recommended to consume seasonal foods, such as nuts (hazelnuts, chestnuts or walnuts) and to eat a balanced diet. Multiple studies affirm that the healthiest is the Mediterranean diet, since it includes all the essential elements for good nutrition.

Another recommended food (although it is usually eaten more in winter) is the pear, which, according to some research, also seems to be very beneficial in reducing the risk of stroke. In the same way, this same study supports that this fruit would protect against type 2 diabetes.

It is also advisable to prepare our body for the season with infusions. Being the flu season, nothing better than drinks made from  honey or ginger, which will help alleviate the symptoms of the virus.


As in the fall, in winter the body is particularly susceptible to illnesses such as the flu, sore throats and respiratory problems.

Also winter is linked to the risk of anemia due to intolerance to cold. In these cases, iron deficiency lowers hemoglobin and causes anemia.

Meats, especially stewed ones, are high in iron. However, also for those who prefer other types of food, legumes, spinach, broccoli and dark chocolate are a good source of this mineral.

In addition to raising red blood cells, iron oxygenates the blood and helps respiratory function. Sugars, on the other hand, give energy and stimulate the immune system during winter, although the amounts should be limited.


Spring is the time of allergies and colds. The flowering of plants at the change of season brings with it a load of allergenic particles in the air.

Several studies affirm that honey helps to improve certain symptoms of the cold. Tablets with demulcent and balsamic agents are highly recommended (such as honey or eucalyptus candies).

Some infusions are also good allies in these times, such as nettle tea, chamomile, eucalyptus or green tea.

Probiotics help to stimulate the immune system, which is why foods such as yogurt, Kefir, chocrut, pickled cucumbers or drinks such as kombucha are recommended in spring.

Citrus fruits such as lemon and orange have a high degree of vitamin C that also helps fight respiratory allergies.

Citrus fruits are an important natural source of Vitamin C


The British Heart Foundation warns that summer is the time when cardiovascular problems occur due to rapid dehydration.

In summer it is recommended to keep the body hydrated, not only drinking water frequently but also with foods that contain liquid.

Fruits like cantaloupe, watermelon, or plain fruit juices, help keep the body hydrated. Fresh salads with tomato and cucumbers also help, or cold soups like gazpacho or salmorejo. Sugary drinks are not recommended.

Cleanse the body

In conclusion, we must allow the body to correctly fulfill its functions at each change of season. For this we can help ourselves:

  • Through sweat we eliminate toxic substances, so it is advisable to exercise regularly and drink water throughout the day.
  • With purifying infusions (dandelion, burdock, linden, milk thistle …) we help the liver, kidneys and skin.
  • It is essential to avoid constipation.
  • We can consume ripe fruit, vegetables, whole foods and dried fruits and fruits.
  • We can also soak a teaspoon of flax seeds overnight, and drink the water and the seeds in the morning on an empty stomach.

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