What Is The Paleo Diet

Before adopting the paleo diet it is important to consult with a nutritionist to find out if it is viable in our case, especially if we have some type of nutritional deficiency

Have you heard about the paleo diet? Do you know what it consists of? If you answered “yes” to the first question but “no” to the second, or if you are not entirely sure, don’t worry. The paleo diet has become a fad that we sometimes continue to misunderstand .

The good news is that it has positive effects that are worth knowing. So keep reading, here we will tell you a little about it.

What is the paleo diet?

Let’s start with the basics: understand what the paleo diet is and where this style of eating comes from. The paleo diet tries to copy the diet that the human being followed when he was a hunter , before the current civilization.

This is supported by the idea that these early humans were free from modern diseases such as: diabetes, heart problems, and cancer, to name a few.

Due to this idea, this diet is based on the consumption of:

  • Meats and their derivatives as least processed as possible
  • Natural vegetables
  • Organic and seasonal fruits
  • Good quality seeds and nuts

Outside the list are:

  • Any meat and meat products that are processed, frozen or that have been treated in any way
  • Processed grains
  • Chemical sugars
  • Any food that is not found in nature.

Benefit in glucose tolerance


One of the aspects of the paleo diet is reducing the amount of calories consumed, but increasing their quality. This directly translates into an improvement in blood glucose levels and the elimination of fat in it.

Although you will continue to eat meat and fats, these will be natural and of good quality. Therefore, you will obtain the benefits you need without adding problems to your health.

This was verified in A study who compared the change in people who followed the Mediterranean diet and adopted the paleo diet. Body fat was also seen to decrease and a healthier weight was achieved, up to 5 kilos less.

Blood pressure reduction

Another study discovered that in addition to helping you lose pounds, the paleo diet also lowers systolic pressure . This is good news if your doctor has recommended monitoring it or if you are already having serious problems with it.

Of course, remember that to maintain the effect it is necessary to understand what the paleo diet consists of and follow it for a long time. Much of this effect is due to the fact that salt is one of the discarded foods in this diet.

Fat reduction

The dangers of having belly fat

Other of the studies that have been done to understand what the paleo diet consists of showed that cells and internal organs detoxify and reduce the amount of fat accumulated .

This means less disease, inflammation, and problems related to metabolic syndrome.

You will notice the effect on the loss of centimeters in your waist measurements. In the specific case of the study, a loss of 4.5 kg in body weight, a reduction in cholesterol, serum glucose and pressure was detected.

Follow the paleo diet

Although we have cited relevant studies, there are some things you should take into account before following this diet:

  • The results are not decisive as there are not too many studies carried out yet. This means that there could be negative aspects that we are still unaware of. However, Following this diet with a review by your nutritionist is still a good option.
  • You should always take into account your physical and medical condition. It is normal that when adopting the paleo diet, you suddenly find yourself with dizziness and some other physical discomfort .

    Although you must learn to recognize them to act in time, they are normal. These are due to the elimination of carbohydrates and sugars, among others.

    • It will not always be easy to carry, basically because today’s world is not designed for the life of thousands of years ago. . This implies that you will have to learn to make smart decisions about what you eat, when and where.

    Is the paleo diet worth it?


    Yes, as long as you do it with the supervision of a health or nutrition expert. Remember that some people must avoid meats for medical reasons (those with kidney disease, for example).

    So that,  Before making radical changes, talk to your doctor to see if it is feasible for you .

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