In This House We Give Hugs And Say “I’m Sorry”

The house, the home, constitutes the first place in which the personality of each one is forged. When looking to build happy and meaningful relationships, the essence is in respect, reciprocity and emotional intelligence.

Virginia Woolf explained in one of her personal diaries that a house is like a house is like a fortress. Once doors and windows are closed, no one knows what goes on inside. This image can cause a mixture of calm and restlessness.

To achieve the objective of promoting these bonds, it is necessary to simultaneously strengthen a type of healthy and intuitive energy where love is the real protagonist in the home.

In this house we respect and take care of ourselves

There are many and very diverse styles of families. So a home can be made up of several types of links. In the first place, it should be mentioned that of the couple, followed by that of the children. As well as that of siblings and, on occasions, older generations such as grandparents may be present.


Sometimes it is not easy to harmonize all these dynamics, interests and personal needs. It is necessary to have patience, empathy, understanding with others in order to forge strong bonds. Coexistence is complicated, but it is always possible to cope with problems when love is based.

All opinions are accepted here

Something that is always very complicated within a family is that each and every opinion, thoughts and decisions are respected.

The moment someone wants to impose their values, the diversity of criteria and preferences that may exist is no longer respected. Which can have serious consequences. Intolerance, especially that which is exercised over loved ones, is one of the most serious problems in today’s society.

The respectful house is one in which, above all else, reciprocity is respected. It is the one where all opinions are attended and where there is freedom when speaking.

It is not necessary for all members to agree on everything.  It is enough that there is listening, respect and, above all, trust.

In this house we all count and we all take care of ourselves

In a family there should be no differences between some people and others. Everyone should count equally, whoever they are and whatever they think. There are no distinctions to be made when educating both daughters and sons, and we must avoid falling, for example, into the error of presenting gender stereotypes.

Likewise, a mistake that is sometimes made when there are several siblings is to make distinctions according to age. Responsibility tends to be demanded from the elder and there is a certain permissiveness towards the little one. It is not the right thing to do. The level of demand and permissiveness must be equitable.


In our home we all say what we feel

In a happy house there is not only freedom of expression and adequate respect for all members of that family. Adequate emotional relief and good assertiveness should also be promoted. There where we can all say what bothers us when it bothers us.

There are families where there are never good times to talk. Sometimes we do not speak to each other not only because of lack of time but, rather, because of the clear feeling that we are going to be constantly judged for our words or behaviors. These kinds of invisible “vetoes” make our children, for example, choose to stay in their rooms over time.

In a respectful home, members should feel comfortable talking about their emotions. It is very important that people can show emotional closeness, expressing their concerns and thoughts.


The best house is not one where there are many luxuries, spacious rooms and beautiful gardens. The best home is one where happiness and respect for all its members live, regardless of whether it is a tree house, a caravan or a small apartment of a few square meters.

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