5 Ways Perfectionism Ruins Your Life

Perfectionism is the cause of many depressions and stress in a large number of people. The reason for this is that seeking perfection is like wanting to find the end of the rainbow.   Perfection is an illusion that many long for, because they mistakenly think that it will make them happy. However, there cannot be two more opposite points.

Happiness is the state of mind in which you accept both others and yourself as they are On the contrary, perfectionism is the constant search for improvement and an eternal dissatisfaction with what surrounds us.

Do you think perfectionism doesn’t ruin your life? Here we will tell you how he does it.

1. You focus only on the desired result

perfect target

When a person is immersed in achieving perfectionism in all aspects of his life, he lives in a dream of how everything should be .   He does not realize if that dream or goal is possible or not.

A very common example is that of people who spend their days in the gym working out to have the body of their dreams. They train because they believe that they will be happier when they reach their goal, but in the process they feel unhappy because they don’t really do something that they enjoy.

Something very different happens when you do the things you love. Open the eyes , admire yourself and respect yourself. If doing sports is something you love, it will be great if you keep doing it. If you’re only working towards that standard, see if you’re overdoing it. If so, find a healthy alternative to reach that goal while having fun.

2. You confuse quality with perfectionism

Tension in head and face

They seem similar but the truth is that they are not. It is normal to be confused, since all our lives we have been educated to seek perfection in all areas.  If instead they had educated us to see things for their quality, effort and performance, it would be easier for us to be happy.

If you focus on the perfection of something you will never find yourself satisfied . You will always see something that is wrong: that tiny crumb on the floor, the thread that shows in your children’s clothes or that extra kilo you have… Everything seems wrong to you.

However, when you see the quality, you can appreciate the effort and performance. You will feel good about the good work done or the result obtained. When you think more about quality you will not see your children  with a stain on their clothes, but their faces happy from an afternoon of play. Look for quality and not perfection .

3. You can’t start anything

Perfectionism is the origin of “someday” and “when I have this.” The problem is that That perfect moment does not exist and it is very possible that that day that you wait so long will not exist either.  

If you live in the realm of perfection, you must run from there in order to achieve your goals. Realize that every day is perfect to start that project that you have been thinking about for years.  Join the world of the imperfect, which is where the great wonders that will do you are achieved cry , laugh and live.

4. You don’t allow yourself anything

Trying to make everything perfect prevents you from daring to do many things because you keep seeing mistakes, wanting to measure and control everything.  The problem is that when perfectionism tells you that you are not ready yet, you are only denying yourself the possibilities available. .

We recommend that you take a risk. Do you love a person? Let it know. Do you want a job change? Take the steps to find a new option.  Only you know what you want, it is time that you allow yourself to try and try.

5. Perfectionism ruins your environment

stop criticizing yourself

Perfectionism is the reason many people find themselves alone.  Before you deny it, ask yourself: would you like to be around people who spend their time criticizing you or making you feel bad?

Those who have allowed perfectionism to settle in their lives are often toxic people to those around them . They never see the virtues or bring many positive things.

You will hear phrases such as:

  • It is rich but your food lacks seasoning.
  • Your job is fine but it could be better.
  • Your results are positive but you must work more.

Wanting everything perfect limits quality time with your family and friends. Accept them as they are and accept who you are. The irony is that when you start to accept others and your circumstances, your life starts to get better.

He happy with what you have and with what you are. If there are things that bother you or that you want to improve, do so, but without forcing yourself to reach the perfect point. The most important thing is that don’t do the things that hurt you or others .   Remember that part of what makes us unique are imperfections.

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