We Were All Born With Wings, But Sometimes Life Tears Them Away

We all came to this world with wings. Our eyes and hearts of children full of illusions trace a thousand dreams that we yearn to achieve in our adulthood. Achieving it or not will depend on many things: our attitude, motivation, support, luck and facilitating social context.

We know it is not easy. Being born with wings and keeping them open throughout our lives is not something easy. As we get older, it seems that each disappointment and each betrayal takes feathers from us until, in the end, it seems that we lose that breath, that spark that previously gave strength to our dreams and helped us to take flight lightly.

The importance of letting your wings open from childhood

Childhood is that wonderful time in which every creature has the right to believe that anything is possible if it is proposed. At this stage, it is essential to stimulate their abilities, give wings to their dreams, guide them and help them create strengths for life.

Of course, discipline and education are key in the whole process, but they should not be present to harm, impose or make you unhappy. Instead, they should be there to help spread the wings and take flight in the best possible way. To unleash potential, explore possibilities, marvel, grow, and reach peaks.

Sometimes families do not find the balance between what it is to give wings to dreams and to educate. For this reason, directly or indirectly, many parents and guardians can act as true wing cutters. For this reason, when they reach adolescence or adulthood, many people feel without wings to fly.

Parenting can help us spread our wings

Surely you have ever heard of different parenting styles, as well as democratic versus dictatorial education. These last two are obviously opposed. In each one, children internalize a series of values, behaviors and mechanisms that partly determine their development and way of functioning in life.

Facilitating families are those that respect the dreams and emotional needs of the child. They offer them roots, that is, security based on recognition and respect, they teach them to spread their wings and fly so that they can achieve what they set out to do. They listen, accompany and guide the processes with empathy and assertiveness.

For their part, vetoing families are those who impose a life plan on their children and do not let it fly. In them, it is common for children to be forced to fit into certain schemes, which do not necessarily coincide with their needs, personality and dreams. On the contrary, it seems that they clip their wings to prevent them from exploring and finding their own way.

Read: When is it necessary to go to family therapy?

Daring to spread our wings despite everything will help us to be happy

After living a complex childhood or adolescence, in which it was not always possible to spread its wings, there are always new opportunities to fly as high as you want and need. Even when we do not see these opportunities with total clarity.

The wings can be opened and strengthened with new illusions, the wisdom that past experiences bring and also that capacity for resilience. The key is to work on yourself, learn to take care of yourself and give yourself the opportunity to take flight. Dare to be happy and establish healthy connections that allow you to fly through life at ease, even when you have to vary the pace.

We must understand that, even when there are people who limit us (for whatever reason) or want to steal our breath, we can fly. Our happiness should not depend on your constant approval. We don’t need permission to open the wings.

For all this, prioritize each day and dare to fly. It is worth striving for what can make you happy. If whoever is next to you is removing your feathers and hinders your personal growth, assess if that situation is worth it. Maybe you have to make a decision, make changes and take flight.

Taking flight often means changing, be it the scenery, the people or the attitude. In any case, it is important to do so and not be paralyzed by fear and insecurity.

Once the change comes, we will feel much freer, lighter, more willing to start another stage. That inner well-being is so pleasant that, almost without realizing it, you will have regained your wings. Those wings ready to fly and achieve your dreams.

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