Pork Loin With Blue Cheese, Easy And Delicious Recipe

If you are a lover of intense flavors, dairy derivatives and you want to prepare a delicious dish from pork. The following recipe for pork tenderloin with blue cheese will fascinate you. We have selected this cheese because, when melted, it not only has an exquisite flavor and aroma, but also a creamy texture that works very well with this type of meat, which tends to dry out a bit when cooked.

When it comes to cooking this pork tenderloin with blue cheese, it should be noted that we will completely dispense with the pan and instead use the oven. In this way, we will get a delicious dish in less than sixty minutes, juicy enough thanks to the ingredients with which we will proceed to prepare it. Here are the steps you must take.

Pork loin with blue cheese

Ingredients (for 3 or 4 people)

  • ¼ cup of fried onion (50 g)
  • ¼ glass of white wine (50 ml)
  • 5 pork loin fillets (750 g)
  • ½ cup of heavy cream (125 ml)
  • 1 teaspoon of hot paprika (5 g)
  • Seasonings: coarse salt, Provencal herbs
  • Olive oil (the necessary amount)
  • 2 ½ cups of blue cheese (500 g approx.).
  • Optional: fresh parsley, butter or cream.


  1. To begin, we preheat the oven to 200 ºC.
  2. Next, we clean the pork loin fillets and place them in a refractory container. Once there, we bathe them with plenty of olive oil and coarse salt. We reserve for about 10 or 15 minutes and after this time, we spread hot pepper on them.
  3. Next, we take the fillets to the oven for 20 minutes at a temperature of 220 ºC.
  4. Once the first 15 minutes of cooking have elapsed, we open the oven and pour the white wine over the fillets. We put them back in the oven.
  5. In addition, we cut the blue cheese into more or less thin slices.
  6. We place the heavy cream in a pot over medium heat. Before it boils, add the blue cheese pieces. We constantly stir so that both ingredients are progressively integrated and begin to form a cream.
  7. When the cream has thickened enough, add the Provencal herbs and continue stirring over low heat for about 2 or 3 more minutes. In case it has not thickened enough, you can add a little butter or cream.
  8. Once the pork loin fillets are ready, we turn off the oven, extract the container and bathe them with the blue cheese cream.
  9. Finally, when serving, it can be garnished with another pinch of Provencal herbs and a little fresh parsley.

The ideal accompaniments for your pork tenderloin should not compete in flavor with blue cheese, so it is recommended to opt for preparations that have a mild flavor and, preferably, without garlic (in the case of salty garnishes). In light of this, we suggest a couple of recipes.

Apple compote for your pork loin with blue cheese


Ingredients (for 3-4 people)

  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 8 red apples
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
  • ½ cup of sugar or honey (100 g)
  • Optional: the juice of 1 lemon.


  1. First, we wash and peel the apples. We discard the hearts and proceed to cut the rest into julienne strips.
  2. In a pot, we place the water and apples over high heat.
  3. When breaking the boil, we lower the flame of the fire to half and add the cinnamon stick, the lemon juice and the sugar. We constantly stir everything to integrate the ingredients well.
  4. We let everything cook for about 40 or 45 minutes.
  5. Once this time has elapsed, we turn off the heat, remove the cinnamon stick from the pot and place it on a plate.
  6. We proceed to mix everything with the help of a hand mixer. The idea is to homogenize all the ingredients in the pot and get a more or less thick compote.
  7. We pour the compote into a container and we introduce the cinnamon stick again. It can be served both hot and cold.

A garnish that can also perfectly accompany our pork loin with blue cheese is the matchstick style cut fries; that is, in very fine and small strips, like little matches. They will add a crunchy touch to the dish and can be served both with a pinch of salt and with a touch of spicy paprika from La Vera.

Go ahead and include them on your plate and you will see what food you will eat!

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