6 Sports Activities That Help You Overcome Stress

Exercise adapted to the possibilities of each person and recreational activities are ways to combat and overcome stress, since they favor the production of endorphins and produce relaxation. How to take advantage of them?

All people get stressed, and this is a common characteristic in human beings. However, this becomes harmful if it is maintained over time, and that is why it is essential to combat it. There are several healthy alternatives to overcome stress ; exercise and recreational activities are some of them.

Any type of physical exercise can work to combat stress. It does not matter if it is an athlete or an out-of-form individual. Physical activity has different levels of intensity, and people can work according to the range in which they are.

Physical activity must be part of the routine if it is to promote relaxation. Of course, it is important not to overstress the body; that is why it is recommended to exercise under the advice of a specialist.

What is stress?

Unmanaged stress can wreak havoc both physically and mentally.

Before learning how to combat it, it is pertinent to explain what this problem consists of. Stress is understood to be any sensation of physical or emotional tension that prepares the body for action, as discussed in an Offarm publication based on the definition provided by the World Health Organization.

In this way, it is explained that it is the body’s reaction to a challenge or demand. In certain circumstances, positive stress occurs, such as when the body reacts to danger.

However, sometimes stress comes from situations or thoughts that people feel nervous, upset, or frustrated about. In a stressful situation of this type, the body releases hormones that put the brain on alert, tighten the muscles and increase the pulse.

These symptoms allow the body to deal with the situation at hand and help it protect itself. Now, constant stress is detrimental to health when it occurs for a long time.

Types of stress

As detailed in an article by the American Psychological Association, the body can suffer from two types of stress:

  • Acute stress : it is the one that is felt in the short term and that disappears quickly. It allows the body to control dangerous or stressful situations; it also appears in unfamiliar and exciting situations. All people feel it at some point and it is considered a beneficial response. However, it can lead to acute episodic stress when this behavior becomes routine, and that is when it begins to harm the individual.
  • Chronic stress – This is a prolonged emotion. It can last for weeks or months, and people are able to get used to living with it without realizing that it is a problem. For example, it occurs in the face of frequent inconveniences in a love or work relationship. If left unchecked, it is a pathological and damaging stress.

Consequences of chronic stress

Chronic stress persists in the body even when it is not exposed to the element that causes it. According to a MedlinePlus publication, this situation can lead to the following problems:

  • High blood pressure.
  • Skin problems (acne or eczema).
  • Heart failure.
  • Anxiety or depression.
  • Menstrual problems
  • Diabetes.
  • Obesity.

6 activities to overcome stress

As detailed in a study carried out by researchers from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​sports activities allow the body to produce and release hormones – such as endorphins – that reduce the impact of stressors on health.

The same goes for recreational activities, which also help to relax the body and mind. In the following list, you will find some very good alternatives to fight stress and start living better.

1. Yoga

In addition to improving the body, yoga helps to free the mind and reduce stress.

Yoga is a very popular mind and body practice. It requires physical and mental discipline and good breath control, but has the benefit of enhancing muscle strength and flexibility.

Research published by Psychosomatic Medicine concludes that the practice of yoga helps reduce stress. In addition, the relaxation it promotes helps reduce blood pressure and heart rate. For these reasons, anyone can practice and benefit from this activity.

2. Tai Chi

Tai Chi is an ancient non-competitive martial art. It is popular for its health benefits, and for being one of the most effective for the mind and body. According to a study published by the Journal of Clinical Psychology , tai chi helps reduce stress in healthy people.

There are many types of tai chi, although in general all are characterized by linking the movements of the body with breathing. Its practice promotes muscle strength, flexibility and balance, according to research published in the Journal of Rheumatology .

3. Pilates

Woman stretching one leg with the other on a sports ball.

It is a fitness system designed to strengthen muscles and improve posture, flexibility and mental awareness. According to a 2015 research published by Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences , doing Pilates helps reduce symptoms of stress and anxiety.

Likewise, this activity releases the tension of the muscles and, in addition, uses techniques to bring oxygen to the brain, which favors calm and well-being, as well as discipline.

4. Running outdoors

Nature has a unique relaxing power for the mind. Therefore, doing activities such as running in green spaces can help overcome stress, as confirmed by a study published by Urban Forestry & Urban Greening .

In this research, it is commented that people who performed physical activities outdoors significantly decreased their stress and headaches. The results were even better in more demanding exercises, such as running, cycling or playing soccer.

5. Kick-boxing

The kick-boxing is a mixture of traditional martial arts and boxing; it can be practiced as an exercise or to learn self defense. In addition to reducing stress, it allows the incorporation of new breathing techniques, strengthens self-esteem and gives vitality.

If you have ever practiced it, you will know very well that it is a very effective exercise to burn calories and stimulate the metabolism. This is confirmed in a study published by the International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport that analyzed the body response of several boxers after fighting several consecutive rounds.

6. Dancing

Dances that help tone buttocks and legs.

In addition to being a fun activity, dancing helps stressed people improve their sense of well-being, according to a study published by Perceptual and Motor Skills . In addition, it creates a fun environment, in which expression and creativity are promoted. This, in turn, builds trust.

Being a physical activity as demanding as so many others, dancing offers other benefits cited in various medical publications, such as the possibility of losing weight, building muscles, strengthening bones and taking care of cardiovascular health.

Get over stress the way you like it

Each of these activities has benefits that you can take advantage of to overcome stress. Of course, there are many others, and your personal tastes will have a lot to do with your choice and the pleasure you take from the activity you do.

Beyond that, it is important to have professional advice to exercise properly and avoid injury. Find your personal way to free yourself from stress and enjoy your day-to-day life.

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