Slinda: The Estrogen-free Contraceptive

Slinda is a contraceptive whose active substance is drospirenone. This active ingredient is a synthetic progestin that has a pharmacological effect similar to that of natural progesterone. This contraceptive pill is not composed of the combination of estrogen with progestogen. For this reason it turns out to be a contraceptive that can be used by women who do not tolerate combined contraceptives.

How is it presented?

Slinda comes in the form of tablets to take by mouth, they are white in color and come in a blister of 24 active tablets together with 4 other green tablets that do not contain the active ingredient.

The tablets of two different colors are arranged in such a way that it helps you to  comply with the dose and that there are no failures in the contraceptive method. The 24 white tablets contain the appropriate dose of drospirenone.

How does Slinda work?

This contraceptive provides high efficacy. The contraceptive effect of Slinda It is due to the fact that it acts on ovulation by inhibiting it when changes in the cervical mucus take place.

However, Slinda has a point against it, and that is that it can cause irregular vaginal bleeding while taking this oral contraceptive. However, this irregular bleeding does not have to appear in all women who take Slinda.      

By not having estrogens in its composition, this new contraceptive has fewer cardiovascular risks compared to those that can be caused by the use of combined contraceptives.

Drospirenone has properties that make women who use contraceptives that contain it in their composition, experience less fluid retention. This active principle also It has antiandrogenic properties, being very suitable in the case of women with signs of acne, hirsutism or oily skin.

Slinda for acne

Precautions in pregnancy and lactation

Slinda is contraindicated if you are pregnant or if you think you could be. If you have been taking Slinda before becoming pregnant, the occurrence of side effects cannot be ruled out. Studies with Slinda do not indicate that there is an increased risk of birth defects.

During lactation if you can use this oral contraceptive even if small amounts of drospirenone pass through breast milk.

How   take Slinda

This contraceptive pill offers good cycle control due to its daily ordering scheme from its 24 + 4 pack. In this way, Slinda is ideal for good treatment compliance.

By presenting 24 active pills and 4 placebo tablets, it offers the advantage that you can know when the bleeding period will be, and the losses will be minimal between two periods.

Slinda is taken every 24 hours, ensuring that it is at the same time. The blister format p is helpful. To comply with the guideline, so that if you follow the direction of the arrows and the numbers it practically cannot fail you. You can start taking the first tablet on the first day of menstruation, to continue following the order of the others days.

When you get to You continue taking the four placebo tablets, and start a container again, leaving no days of rest between one and the other.

You may experience some irregular bleeding while taking Slinda, if this occurs you should continue taking the tablets without interruption. 

How to get started with the first pack of Slinda

If you have not been taking any oral contraceptives before,  start the bottle on the first day of your period. By doing so, the contraceptive gives you protection from the first day against a possible pregnancy and you will not need to use additional methods. 

However, if you have previously been using another method of contraception such as another oral contraceptive, the vaginal ring or transdermal patch, start taking Slinda the day after the last active tablet of your previous contraceptive or the same day as the removal of the vaginal ring or the latest transdermal patch.

However, you can also start taking Slinda the day after the week off without tablets, vaginal ring, patch, or placebo period, from your previous contraceptive. If you decide to do this, you need to use an additional barrier method of contraception, at least for the first week after starting Slinda.


This contraceptive only has drospirenone in its composition, it is estrogen-free. It offers an effective and safe contraceptive effect and reduces the side effects related to the presence of estrogens.

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