The Three Most Powerful And Effective Aphrodisiacs

Sex is one of the most important parts of life as a couple. However, it is not always easy to get all the pleasure that this activity should provide. The main problem is that the rhythm of life is sometimes too complicated to be able to fully concentrate on sex. Therefore,  some people decide to look for a little extra push to enjoy again. This is how a list of the most powerful and effective aphrodisiacs has become popular.

To help you, in this article we will tell you more about aphrodisiacs, their effects and what science has said about it. Take note!

What are aphrodisiacs?

Aphrodisiacs are a series of substances that, once consumed, are capable of increasing libido and sexual arousal. Although there are many types, in general, they can be divided into those of natural origin, and those that are designed within a laboratory.

However, many people prefer to use the former, as they are usually safer and have no adverse effects. If you are looking to increase pleasure, then we will tell you which ones produce the greatest effect on people’s libido.

Couple kissing in bed

What are the most powerful and effective aphrodisiacs?

If you have ever been interested in the subject of aphrodisiacs, you know that there are a large number of substances that promise a quick cure to the lack of sexual desire. Within the list you can find from foods such as oysters, to supplements that promise to multiply pleasure quickly and easily.

However, how many of these aphrodisiacs actually work? Unfortunately, many of the beneficial properties attributed to these substances do not have any type of scientific evidence. But on the other hand, the latest research reveals that some of them actually have a beneficial effect on libido. Find out what they are below.

1. Arginine

Arginine, whose full scientific name is L-arginine, is a substance produced by the body that is involved in different processes, such as physical performance, circulation, and digestion. Some studies show that this substance could affect libido in a positive way, making it one of the most powerful and effective aphrodisiacs.

According to a publication from the Mayo Clinic, arginine promotes dilation of blood vessels and improves circulation. In this way, taking it regularly could improve erectile dysfunction in men and arousal in women .

If you are interested in taking arginine, consult your doctor. If you authorize it, you can find it in capsule form, which you can get at any herbalist or sports supplement store. You can also increase your consumption of protein-rich foods, such as red meat, poultry, soybeans, whole grains, beans, and dairy products.

2. Maca

Maca root may provide health benefits.

Maca is a root of Peruvian origin that has been used for centuries to improve the health of men and women. Its main benefits are the increase in energy levels and the regulation of hormonal levels.

Regarding its effectiveness, some studies done in animals showed increases in libido and erectile function after consuming maca. This is the case of an investigation published in Pharmacognosy Review , in which it is stated that this product significantly improved sexual performance parameters in male rats.

On the other hand, a small study by Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine indicates that its consumption can help reduce the loss of libido that commonly occurs as a side effect of certain antidepressant medications.

3. Ginseng

Ginseng is another root known for centuries for its beneficial properties on health and sexual performance. The latest scientific research shows that this substance, of Chinese origin, helps combat the lack of sexual desire.

In relation to this, a review published in the journal Phytotherapy suggests that, thanks to the effect of some of its active components, ginseng could improve physical performance, including sexual performance, as well as favor vitality and increase resistance to stress and to aging.

Although its consumption is considered safe, in some cases it can interfere with anticoagulant medications and cause headaches, constipation or an upset stomach. Therefore, it is necessary to suspend it if any of these symptoms appear and go to the doctor.

Common aphrodisiacs that are not supported by science

7 simple remedies to increase libido naturally

Although in this article we only mention 3 of them, the truth is that the list of products to which aphrodisiac properties are attributed is longer. However, there is very little scientific evidence regarding its effectiveness. These are the most popular:

  • Honey
  • Oysters
  • Chocolate
  • Chasteberry
  • Epimedium
  • Hot chili peppers

As you can see, there are several options if what you want is to regain your sexual appetite and fully enjoy sex. If you want to try any of these products, we recommend starting with small amounts and gradually increasing the dose, depending on your body’s tolerance.

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