5 Juices To Deflate The Stomach And Avoid Gas

In the popular sphere, some drinks have been recommended that could help hydrate you, stimulate urination and thus, reduce inflammation of your abdomen and prevent the accumulation of gases. They are mostly made up of common foods, such as vegetables and fruits. Would you like to know the recipes of some juices to reduce inflammation of the stomach?

About juices to deflate the stomach

  • Before consuming any drink that has plants or herbs, consult your doctor. 
  • Juices to reduce inflammation of the stomach are a supplement, not a solution by themselves.
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle, based on consistent habits. And if you have questions about how to do it, ask your doctor.
  • Maintain a balanced and varied diet, to be in good health and avoid stomach upset.
  • Hydrate mainly with water. Never give priority to juices, smoothies, smoothies. These can be good supplements, but they do not replace the contribution of water to the body.
  • Always consume beverages in moderation, as part of a balanced diet. Never as a substitute for main meals or as a remedy to avoid the consequences of excesses, or as a “protector” of diseases.

    1. Aloe vera juice

    Aloe vera and cucumber smoothie

    Refreshing and calming, aloe vera juice is an option to consider when accumulated gas is causing you discomfort. Follow this recipe to prepare it.


    • ½ cup of aloe vera gel.
    • The juice of 1 lemon.
    • ½ glass of water (125 ml).


    • Beat all the ingredients in the blender until smooth.
    • If you want the drink to be softer, we recommend reducing the amount of aloe and lemon and increasing the amount of water.
    • Consult your doctor before consuming this drink or other similar juices to reduce inflammation of the stomach, since aloe vera can cause stomach discomfort in several scenarios, since it has a laxative effect.

    2. Papaya, oatmeal and flaxseed juice

    The mixture of papaya, oatmeal and flaxseed stands out among juices to reduce inflammation of the stomach because it is excellent to combat intestinal transit, given its high fiber content. For this reason, it is also very convenient in case of stomach discomfort and accumulated gas.


    • 1 cup of chopped papaya (140 g).
    • 1 tablespoon of flaxseed (10 g).
    • 1/2 liter of water (500 ml).
    • 2 tablespoons of raw oats (20 g).
    • Optional: honey.


    • Put all the ingredients in the blender, process them for a couple of minutes and serve without straining.
    • Consume as part of a meal or snack. Never as a substitute for a main meal.
    • You can vary the amount of the ingredients according to your preferences. Some people prefer the drink to have a more marked papaya taste while others prefer the oatmeal flavor as the main character.

    3. Pineapple, grapefruit and green tea juice

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    The third recipe for juices to reduce inflammation of the stomach is high in water and fiber. Therefore, it has a diuretic effect, which in addition to helping to eliminate retained fluids, could also help relieve some mild stomach discomfort and accumulated gas. This is due to the fiber content of pineapple and grapefruit, two tropical fruits that combine very well with each other.


    • The juice of 1 lemon.
    • Optional: honey.
    • 1 cup of green tea (250 ml).
    • ¾ cup of chopped pineapple (116 g).
    • 1 fresh and freshly squeezed grapefruit.


    • Chop the pineapple, extract the juice from the citrus fruits and prepare the green tea.
    • Put all the ingredients in the blender, except the lemon, and beat them for a few seconds until everything is well integrated.
    • Consume in moderation.

    4. Carrot juice

    Detoxifying orange, carrot and ginger juice

    Carrot juice is another good option to enjoy a natural drink to relieve mild stomach upset. It provides a good amount of fiber and stimulates the bowel movement, thereby facilitating the elimination of waste.

    You can prepare it with a touch of celery to make it more refreshing or with a little ginger, so that it has a more pleasant taste and its medicinal reach is greater.


    • Celery (1 or 2 branches).
    • Optional: alfalfa, ginger.
    • 1 glass of carrot juice (250 ml).


    • Extract the carrot and celery juice, and then put it in a blender with the garlic clove and alfalfa.
    • Blend all the ingredients for one or two minutes and drink without straining, chewing the pieces if necessary.

    5. Plum and apple juice

    The fifth recipe for juices to deflate the stomach is for you if you prefer sweet flavors. This drink combines two fruits that are especially rich in fiber, which help fight constipation and stomach upset.


    • 5 fresh plums.
    • ½ apple with peel.
    • 1 cup of water (250 ml).
    • Honey (optional).


    • Mix the ingredients in a blender until you get the desired texture.
    • Drink in moderation.

    Issues to consider

    In case you suffer frequent stomach discomfort and these are more and more intense and prevent you from leading a normal life, go to your doctor for an evaluation as soon as possible. Once they give you the diagnosis, try to follow their recommendations and, in parallel, try to improve your lifestyle. Especially around diet and hydration.

    They may recommend limiting your intake of:

    • Salt.
    • Sugar.
    • Sausages.
    • Red meat
    • Refined flours.
    • Foods rich in saturated fat.
    • Industrial and processed foods.
    • Whole dairy products (such as whole milk).

    If you have questions about how to improve your eating habits or your lifestyle in general, consult with the professional before making any changes. 

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