5 Signs Of Oral Problems

Although at a certain point we may come to consider them as normal, the truth is that oral problems are indicative of a failure in our health that we must correct

Regular oral health care, such as brushing and going to the dentist at least twice a year, can prevent oral problems.   When there is persistent pain in the teeth or inflammation in the gums, we must watch that much bigger problems do not develop. Even worse if we don’t treat them in time.

This goes beyond the loss of teeth. These problems are associated with the risk of other diseases .  For this reason, you should not wait for any symptoms to go to the dentist.  If you want to keep your mouth healthy, it is better that you prevent yourself from oral problems that we will explain below.  If you already have one or more, don’t wait and make an appointment with your dentist.

1. A spot or sore that does not heal

Ulcers, sores, or sensitive areas in your mouth may be indicating other health problems. In fact, c hen wounds in the mouth do not heal, they can be an indicator of diabetes So if you have wounds that don’t get smaller or less painful in a couple of weeks, you should consider going to your dentist.

You should also check your blood sugar levels annually to make sure they are not too high.  Stains or sores in the mouth can also indicate oral cancer. These lesions can appear as white or reddish areas.  Other symptoms include:

  • Earache.
  • Hoarseness.
  • Jaw swelling
  • Tongue or throat numbness.
  • Difficulty moving the jaw or tongue.
  • Difficulty to swallow.

If you are experiencing one or more of these symptoms, make an appointment with both your dentist and your trusted general practitioner.

2. Bleeding or swollen gums

If you see blood when brushing your teeth you should pay attention, it is a reason to worry. Gum tissues often bleed when you brush aggressively. sensitive gums

This way you can avoid that the problem ends up becoming more complicated than necessary.  Pain can be caused by many factors:

  • Complications in the mouth
  • Sore gums
  • Discomfort in teeth
  • Discomfort when chewing food
  • Bleeding

If you do not know what is the main cause of the pain you feel, the only one who can discover the cause and how to treat it will be your dentist.

In conclusion: control and avoid oral problems

Remember that your smile is your cover letter. In addition to being a mirror that reflects your health in general . Therefore, you must take care of your teeth and your mouth.  This will allow you to feel more confident and you will enjoy smiling without worrying.

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