Do Herbal Teas Have Health Benefits?

Herbal infusions are not only natural drinks that can be enjoyed regularly instead of soft drinks and other industrial drinks, but they can also be consumed in a timely manner in case of experiencing certain discomforts.

If they are able to alleviate some discomforts, does that mean they can provide health benefits? Let’s find out below.

The list of natural infusions is long

Herbal infusions help to alleviate certain minor discomforts.

It is no secret that there are many natural infusions. Although it is true that the most popular are those of chamomile, pennyroyal, peppermint, linden, valerian and sage, the list does not end there, as many grandmothers and lovers of natural drinks will confirm.

Depending on the type of infusion, the health benefits will be one or the other. For example, chamomile is analgesic, sedative and anti-inflammatory, so it helps to relieve abdominal discomfort, calm cramps, reduce inflammation and even induce rest.

Although the benefits of one herb are not identical to those of others, in general terms, infusions help quench thirst, hydrate the body, promote digestion and eliminate retained fluids, which comes in handy to experience relief. in case of experiencing various discomforts, such as a headache due to dehydration, heaviness from having eaten heavily, menstrual cramps, etc.

Infusions are good options to stay well hydrated

It is necessary to avoid the consumption of soft drinks, energy drinks, industrial juices and the like, since they do not provide more than empty calories and, in the long term, their consumption can lead to the appearance of diseases such as diabetes and obesity. However, what would be the alternatives to these drinks?

Although water should always be the first option when it comes to hydrating properly, it is convenient to know other options for those moments when you simply do not feel like drinking a glass of water too much. Some of the best are as follows:

  • Natural fruit juices (homemade).
  • Homemade vegetable milks or drinks (almonds, oats, soy, rice).
  • Herbal infusions (chamomile, peppermint, pennyroyal, ginger, linden among others.

Natural infusions to fight cystitis

It is important to clarify that it is not advisable to hydrate exclusively from natural juices or infusions. These drinks must be used for what they are: complements to a healthy lifestyle. On the other hand, you have to remember that it is not necessary to force yourself to drink a liter and a half or two of water a day, you have to drink liquids depending on your thirst.

When a person finds it difficult to drink water, either because he does not find the “taste” or for other reasons, his doctor may suggest certain improvements in his lifestyle and, especially, with regard to hydration daily.

As well as juices, smoothies and other natural drinks prepared at home, from fruits and vegetables, they can be a good option to gradually increase the intake of liquid on a daily basis (without falling into industrial drinks, such as soft drinks), natural herbal teas can be too.

Relief for various minor ailments

Herbal infusions (such as chamomile) can help relieve certain mild symptoms, such as an upset stomach after having a copious meal, for example. This comes to be for its anti-inflammatory, soothing and digestive properties. However, it is not enough to relieve pain caused by a health problem.

Before consuming a soda or an energy drink, it is preferable to consume natural drinks, prepared from ingredients such as fruits and vegetables. Finally, remember not to add sugar to your preparations (infusions, juices and others), so as not to exceed the daily amount recommended by the World Health Organization.

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