Smoothies To Reduce Inflammation Of Your Belly

Taking these delicious smoothies you can complement your diet to reduce inflammation of the belly and reduce fluid retention. They are easy to prepare and are packed with nutrients.

Do you want to deflate your belly? The smoothies have become one of the favorite add – ons and combat measures to reduce fluid retention. They are delicious and contain a significant dose of vitamins, minerals and antioxidant compounds.

They can be consumed as part of breakfast or in some of the snacks. Therefore, in turn, they are a good alternative to calm hunger without resorting to processed products. Below we want to share three options: one green, one yellow, and one orange.

Healthy smoothies to reduce inflammation of your belly

Generally smoothies are prepared with fresh, frozen or concentrated fruits, and mixed with dairy products or ice cream. Since the purpose is to help you deflate your belly, we want to offer some light, easily digestible alternatives. 

  • Instead of milk or yogurt we will use a vegetable drink or cream based on rice, oatmeal, coconut or spelled, which we can find in any diet or supermarket of organic products.
  • Instead of sweetening with sugar we will use agave syrup, honey or stevia extract.
  • The fruits that we will use should preferably be fresh and 100% organic.

What do they bring us?

Smoothies are drinks that allow us to increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables. Because of this, they are a great option for better absorption of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and other important nutrients for the diet. Why are they good for deflating your belly?

Well, although there are recipes loaded with many calories, there are some combinations that offer interesting properties due to a low calorie content. Also, its fiber content and diuretic compounds support the processes that help lose weight and reduce inflammation.

On the other hand, you can add ingredients such as nuts to obtain an “extra” of fatty acids and protein. All these nutrients help to take care of body weight and optimize the formation and maintenance of muscle mass.

1. Green smoothie

You can make a delicious green tea and avocado smoothie to help you lose weight.

Green leafy vegetables are very rich in magnesium and fiber, they help us purify the body and act as regulators of the nervous system.  It is a way of “drinking” a good salad in the morning but enjoying the sweet taste of the smoothie.

In addition, the avocado provides the creamy texture and essential fatty acids for health. If we take this smoothie in the morning we will improve intestinal transit naturally, without the need to take laxatives.


  • 1 avocado (including, if we want, the zest of the seed)
  • 3 fresh spinach leaves
  • A well ripe banana
  • Vegetable drink or apple juice (200 ml)


  • We will beat the ingredients well and serve them in a wide glass, which we will decorate with a slice of apple or banana.

    2. Yellow smoothie

    The yellow smoothie is an ideal remedy to improve our digestion, avoid fluid retention and activate the metabolism. It has a refreshing, tropical and slightly spicy flavor, ideal for hot seasons. We will need to add a vegetable cream to give it the creaminess of the drink.


    • 1/2 ripe pineapple
    • Ginger juice or powdered ginger (3 ml)
    • 2 tablespoons of coconut powder (30 g)
    • Vegetable cream of oats, rice or coconut (15 g)
    • Water (100 ml)
    • Stevia


    • Process all the ingredients until you get a creamy drink.

    Note: we can use the skin of the pineapple, which also has many beneficial properties for health, boiling it for 15 minutes and letting it rest for another 5 minutes.

    3. Orange smoothie

    papaya and kefir

    Orange smoothie I particularly recommend to people suffering intestinal problems such as constipation, diarrhea, colitis, parasites, etc. Its flavor, in addition, is still delicious in addition to its healthy benefits.


    • 3 slices of papaya (including some of its seeds, with antiparasitic properties)
    • 1 mango
    • Flax seeds (soaked in a little water overnight. We will also add this water to the smoothie)
    • Vegetable drink (200 ml)
    • Organic orange peel (we will use only a small piece)
    • Honey or purified stevia (to taste)


    • We will beat the ingredients until we observe that the papaya and flax seeds are well ground. We can decorate with a little orange peel, whole or chopped.

      Remember that if you want to reduce inflammation of your belly, you must support the consumption of these smoothies with a healthy diet and physical exercise. Also, you should avoid those foods that cause inflammation.

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