5 Causes That Deteriorate A Relationship

There are many causes that deteriorate a relationship and that can end it. From lies to a lack of empathy for any of its members. It is not so difficult for a relationship to fall into oblivion, especially if you have the belief that it will stand alone.

Being aware of these causes can help resolve the situation, prevent them from going further and harming the couple. Love must be cared for. Let’s see below which are the most common.

Causes that deteriorate a relationship

Sad woman for her partner

1. The lies

Lies in a relationship are one of the main reasons that lead to its deterioration. No relationship, be it love, friendship or family, can be sustained if it is based on deception, since authenticity is lost. In addition, when they are discovered , trust is diminished and insecurities and suspicions increase.

It is not only about committing an infidelity or not, but about aspects as important as not saying what you really think, not letting yourself be known. Transparency is essential.

The couple is the person with whom the greatest degree of intimacy is shared. So, is it necessary to hide as one is?

Sometimes they lie because it is the way of relating to others that has been learned. Others are due to insecurities that they do not want to show. In both cases, being self-critical and solving those problems and difficulties will be essential so that the deterioration of the relationship does not go further.

2. Sexual dissatisfaction

Beware of those who say sex is not everything in a relationship. It is true, it is not, but it is an important part that, if not covered, can generate arguments, discomfort and even resentment.

Nobody likes to feel dissatisfied in the sexual aspect. The best way to solve it? Talk to the partner, but, above all, have the intention of solving the problem.

Ignoring what is happening and getting angry with the other without manifesting it is not a solution. This will only make things worse. The best thing is to put the shame aside and go to a sexologist or a therapist.

3. The family

The family can generate many conflicts. For example, parents who call constantly, who show up at home without warning or who try to organize the life of the couple by reducing their autonomy. All of this can affect even the strongest relationship.

The way to solve these types of situations is by talking with the couple and reaching an agreement on limits. These are necessary, especially with families who act like this. It is not about anything negative, quite the opposite.

Many times, the causes that deteriorate a relationship lie in the inability to set limits to the family. 

4. Insecurities are another cause that deteriorates a relationship

Having suffered a previous infidelity or having certain insecurities can cause one to be too jealous and try to control the other. These behaviors can overwhelm the other person and prevent them from feeling free, which will undermine the relationship over time.

Do not forget that each person should have their space. Insecurities can be worked on, not only in couples therapy, but individually, since this is a personal problem.

5. Common goals

Love can’t handle everything, especially if you don’t take care of yourself. The common goals are very important and more those that affect the relationship, such as having children or not, living in another country or constantly changing cities for work reasons.

For example, if you want to have children, but your partner does not, there may be problems. That is why it is so important to talk about life projects and future prospects.

This does not mean that the relationship is ended, but it does not mean that personal goals are put aside for the other. You just have to reflect, negotiate, see if it is possible to continue and how to do it. The final decision is up to the couple.

Couple talking

Take care of yourself to take care of the relationship

There are many beliefs that surround love and that become causes that deteriorate a relationship. Taking them into account, questioning them and changing them if necessary is important.

From thinking that love remains alone and that no effort has to be made until the other person just because of being with us always has to know what we need and how we are are some examples. The mind can play tricks.

In addition, it is also important to be good with oneself, because if this is not the case, it is difficult to be well with the other. Being defensive, having low self-esteem or fear of being hurt can be real barriers to the relationship. Even toxic behaviors can often be triggered without knowing it.

Therefore, let’s not forget about ourselves in a relationship. How are we doing? How do we find ourselves? What wounds do we drag? are questions that can help us. Because although the relationship is a matter of two, it is also necessary to take care of and love each other on a personal level.

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