How We Can Relieve Foot Pain

More and more people report foot pain or other discomfort that affects their quality of life. Since the feet support the body and allow movement, as well as the performance of various activities, it is important to ensure their health.

Foot pain can occur in isolation or repeatedly. Therefore, the ideal is to maintain consistency in their care. In many cases, foot complaints that are not treated properly or early end up affecting other areas of the body, such as the back for example, and this in turn can affect quality of life.

Among the main measures to take care of the health of the feet are the use of suitable footwear and the observance of good hygiene habits. However, it does not all come down to this. 

Why do we feel pain in our feet?

How to relieve foot pain

Walking is such a common action that we perform it mechanically. We generally ignore that with each step we take, we put pressure on our feet. This generates an impact that can sometimes promote the appearance of certain discomforts. Among the most common are the following:

  • Specific problems such as: low metatarsal arch, spur, bunions, corns, fungus, osteoarthritis and plantar fasciitis.
  • Walking without proper support (which poorly distributes body weight).
  • Walking more than we are used to.
  • Spending too much time on your feet.
  • Use of inappropriate footwear.
  • Overweight.

Tips to relieve foot pain

aspirin to relieve foot pain

In the event that foot pain occurs as a result of fatigue (from having walked a lot, for example), a very simple “remedy” can be used: immerse your feet in warm water with water and salt for a few minutes. This bath will help refresh your feet and give you some relief.

Other recommendations that are usually made in the popular sphere are:

  1. Soak your feet in hot salted water and alternate with cold water for 20 minutes. After this time, dry well and apply  a moisturizer.
  2. Spray five aspirin and mix the powder with half a teaspoon of water. Massage the mixture at night and at the end, rinse and dry well.
  3. Get massages with peppermint oil, one of the most used in aromatherapy. Peppermint has a relaxing, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.
  4. Shoes should always be comfortable.  Not so loose that they produce friction, nor so tight that they result in pressure and suffering to the feet.

Good habits

How to relieve foot pain

  1. Rest your feet on a stool or any object that allows you to keep them elevated for 20 minutes, while you do so, move your toes gently.
  2. Use special elastic stockings, as these promote return circulation.
  3. For more severe pain, you can take anti-inflammatories to relieve pain in your feet, such as ibuprofen, if your doctor tells you to.
  4. Crush two cucumbers and chill the cream in the fridge. Later, put the cream in a container with warm water and submerge the feet.
  5. If you don’t have diabetes, wrap a few ice cubes in a damp towel and apply it to your ankles and feet for a few minutes until you feel relief.
  6. Walk barefoot and exercise the sole of your foot with a stress ball.

Recommendations to prevent foot pain

To relieve foot pain, or to prevent major discomfort, after the end of the day we suggest that you follow the following recommendations:

  • Put your feet in cold water with salt for 15 to 20 minutes when you feel discomfort.
  • Gently massage your feet with essential oil before sleeping.
  • Pay attention to nail maintenance,  especially cutting.
  • Don’t wear the same footwear every day.
  • Move your feet when you are sitting.  Make circles, forward, backward.
  • Reduce the amount of salt in your daily diet.
  • If you run, find suitable footwear and try to warm up before starting your routine.
  • Visit a specialist (physical therapist or chiropodist) at least once a month if you feel discomfort on a regular basis.

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