Relieve Menstrual Cramps And Headaches With This Dandelion Lemonade

Although we can consume an infusion of dandelion to alleviate different discomforts, by including it in this lemonade we can make the most of its properties and enjoy them throughout the day

Dandelion lemonade is a natural drink that can be consumed as part of a balanced diet. It is refreshing, hydrating and, according to alternative medicine, it is a remedy capable of relieving pain of mild intensity. 

The reason it is considered to be a good remedy for this lies in its apparent anti-inflammatory, diuretic, and antispasmodic effects. Let’s see more below.

Dandelion lemonade: an herbal soda

Dandelion lemonade is a natural drink that is easily prepared from the mixture of dandelion infusion and lemon juice. As we have been commenting, in addition to quenching thirst, it can help calm some common mild discomforts, such as menstrual cramps and headaches. This is because various properties are attributed to it, including analgesic ones.

According to an article published on the Elsevier portal, these benefits come from the composition of the dandelion itself. It contains “bitter principles (taraxacin, eudesmanolides), triterpenes, flavonoids, xanthophiles, carotenoids, vitamin B2 and C as well as potassium (content in the leaves: 483 mg%)” as well as inulin during the autumn months.

Dandelion: contributions to liver activity?

Today, it is often used for its diuretic effect, as it is considered ideal to combat fluid retention and inflammation associated with discomfort during the menstrual period. However, in the popular sphere it has already been used for several centuries, as a digestive, tonic and also as a detoxifier.

In fact, it was considered a good stimulant and cleanser to support liver functions, especially in terms of its role in the digestion of fats. This means that it was used to treat various problems, such as dyspepsia and fatty liver.

Lemon juice was added in some cases to improve the flavor. However, over time, it was considered that this ingredient helped increase the beneficial properties of dandelion, due to its contribution of vitamin C.

How to prepare this dandelion lemonade?

The preparation of this dandelion lemonade is very simple and it will not take too much time when you want to enjoy it.

Although it is focused on alleviating some common pains, you can also prepare it to cool off on hot days. In fact, if you like, you can consume it as a soda along with a snack or main meal. But always in moderation.

Since it is hydrating, it can also be a good option to build up your fluids after exercising or some high-impact physical activity.

Dandelion, a remedy to detoxify your body naturally.


  • The juice of 3 lemons
  • 2 liters of water (8 cups)
  • 1 cup of dandelion flowers (200 g)
  • Optional: honey (5 g)


(The proportion that we are going to use would be 2 tablespoons of dandelions per cup, hence the amounts indicated).

  • Add the dandelion flowers to a jug or gallon, then cover with the water.
  • Extract the juice of three lemons and add it to the drink.
  • Stir the ingredients so that they integrate well and sweeten with a little honey.
  • Let it sit in the refrigerator for two hours and consume it.
  • Pass the drink through a strainer to separate the remains of the flowers and pour a glass.
  • Consume in moderation, preferably after consulting your doctor. This is important, because in some cases, this drink is contraindicated.

What else is there to note about this lemonade?

As we have seen, dandelion lemonade can be an adjunct to over-the-counter pain relievers and basic self-care (such as exercising daily, getting plenty of rest, maintaining good hydration, and avoiding certain foods that promote discomfort) in case of discomfort.

It can be useful as a hydrating drink, but also as a remedy to avoid (and alleviate) fluid retention, but it should always be consumed in moderation, since all excesses can be harmful to the body.

Remember that the ideal is to consult your doctor before consuming it continuously on your client. Especially if you suffer from gastric problems such as ulcers or stones, as it could promote discomfort and complications.

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